Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Another day, another cornbread

I needed to bake bread, just didn't feel like handling the big recipe, so I thought cornbread, I thought.

Then found I only had 3/4 cup of cm. Soooo I looked around for a recipe that that amount would work in. And found one on the cornbread container. This one needed exactly the amount of cornmeal I had and 1 1/4 cups ap flour.

I thought it was a bit mean, as these things go. Skim milk, vegetable oil.. I did agree with low sugar, since this isn't spozed to be cake.

So I subbed unsalted butter and whole milk butter milk. Made by mixing a spoonful of lemon juice into milk powder, stirred up with warm water.  It seems to work if you sub fat for fat, liquid for liquid, dry for dry. Not as random as it seems.

Cast iron pan in action

 Ready for my closeup, complete with villainous grin

It's smelling good, looking ok. But I won't know till it cools enough to try whether this is worth repeating.  Meanwhile the recipe's cut out and inserted into my big, fat three ring binder of items I've made and liked. If I like this, it stays. If not, it's recycled.

And as you see, I used my trusty cast iron pan. It's wonderful for baking, makes you look like a good baker.


  1. Drat - more photos that are making me crave. Sigh. There's a restaurant here (Montana's) that used to make the most wonderful little loaves of cornbread. I always wanted to go there just to have that. I remember one of the waitresses asking me if I wanted dessert and I said no, that I already had it...she was quite dumbfounded that I would think their cornbread was dessert.

  2. I think it works as dessert, too. A multi purpose food.

  3. I do that also - substitute what I have/like for what is called for. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. Your cornbread looks good.

  4. It turned out okay. But I agree, experiments don't always work out. When I tried confectioners sugar to replace some of the granulated in a berry jam, didn't have enough granulated, it didn't jell. So I renamed it fruit sauce, and that worked.


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