Monday, July 25, 2011


Up to now nurses and fedex deliveries of supplies.

Hospice volunteer will be in touch to set up a bit of free time for me

no sign of any aides yet sigh

doctor says hp has maybe days maybe weeks

now I'm trying to grapple with this

possibly hardest call of my life to date today to set up cremation plans

I'm writing on an iPod touch lent by hs while he tries to get my netbook up agai



  1. I am so sorry to hear this news, please take care of yourself and remember we are all thinking of you. I pray that you get some help soon especially with the decisions you need to make

  2. There are no words and yet I know how much it helps to see words offered up when one is in this terrible place.

    I am thinking of you ... you, HP, HS, your cats ... of all the history you've shared. I am thinking of egg cups and shoe horns and hoping that there is ease and peace for you three.

  3. Holding you and Andy in the light. You are in our thoughts and prayers today as always.

    Anne and Bob

  4. Listening, caring. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Sending love.

  5. No words can give you the comfort that you need at this time but know that you are constantly in my thoughts as are Andy and DS. May the transition be as easy for you all as it can be.


  6. Much love, Liz. So sorry for the pain. I care about you very much.


  7. I'm so sorry. I have no wise words that will make you feel better. if I did I would be saying them to you now. Take care of yourself also.

  8. Blessings Liz, for all. Silly letter in the mail - many thoughts, much love. annie

  9. Just wanted to send you some words of support. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to make that phone call. All I can say is I'm thinking about you and about Andy too. May his passing be peaceful.

  10. You, your family, and your kitties are in my prayers, and thoughts as you go into and through this time. Use all the hospice services provided. I am a hospice volunteer, and know the amount of love and care that hospice can offer.

  11. Thinking about you both. Thank you for keeping us informed. Wish we were closer and could be of some help - your Cowtown supporters.

  12. God, I'm so sorry, Liz, I can tell you this will all go very fast, and the doctors always overestimate the time because they don't want to be wrong. Sending love and support as best I can.

    ((((Liz)))) Such a tough time. Say everything you need to say to Andy--I'm sure you do.

  13. So sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.

  14. I am so sorry. Encircling you with rings of light, strength and love. This transition always seems to go so quickly. But your love will endure.

  15. liz, you are in my thoughts. much love going your way. ::hugs::


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