Sunday, January 12, 2025

Up at dark o'clock, and why I won't take people walking. Again.

Now and then I wake up way before dawn, ready to start the day. Today, for instance. Up at five and having coffee, reading, enjoying watching dawn break.

Of course by nine I was sleeping on the sofa. In fact most of the day, with intervals of texting, blogging and spouting. Also making lentil squash soup. Not really a morning person.

The soup was a bit low-key despite umami mixture, garlic, onions, smoked paprika, all that. Then I added cumin and tomatoes and suddenly it cheered up. I blended it then added a drop of coconut milk. Now it's really good. 

It used up some leftover red lentil croquette things in the freezer, and a butternut  squash.  It's a beautiful color, always a good point with food. And the texture works. I can't remember the ingredients of the lentil things, but they're sure to be what my mom used to call "all good ingredients" when something wasn't as good as hoped.

And I had a chat with Gary. The chocolate cake I took over the other day, enough for two, vanished fast, evidently, his guest helping. You can't go far wrong with chocolate cake.

He's at it again to get me to haul our neighbor out walking, and I said firmly fitness is something you have to do for yourself. I suggested they walk together, taking his dog. At which point he said, but I don't do that myself, don't like the cold! I guess he's happy to send his friends out though, too funny. 

And I got a walk a bit more like the usual distance, figuring if Helen doesn't get worse, okay to push a bit.  Then home to a heat pack, well, a heated rice-filled sock. I certainly feel a lot more cheerful and hopeful for doing it. Walking, not heating socks.

I need to get potting soil soon, as the longer days make it feasible to repot a couple of small plants outgrowing and exhausting their pots. One of them is Gary's tiny anthurium, which has put out a new leaf, so I'd like to encourage her.

And, hearing local friends' stories about their retirement communities and politics, reminds me that I'll do whatever it takes to stay here!

Happy day everyone. I guess soup would be a good idea for Florida friends, not just the frozen northern wastes just now. 


  1. Introvert Bingo, LOL! I'm well on my way to a blackout card!

  2. Dark thirty in the morning isn't fun as I'm well aware. Mostly I'm visiting it at the opposite end of the night though.
    You've reminded me that I need to get some potting soil because I have several baby plants rooting in water that are in need of being potted up.

    1. You mean sleepless? That's hardly ever my issue, lucky there

  3. I didn’t think I was an introvert but there are a lot of things I like on that BINGO card. Good for you for sticking to your guns about not walking your neighbor.

    1. I like some people up to a point! Quite a few items on the card are me.

  4. My husband and I both would do well on that bingo. More’s the reason to stay in our own home!

  5. Soup? Bingo! Made veggie chili, making lentil and split pea. More cold on the horizon.

    1. That sounds good. Seasonal for your unseasonal cold.

  6. I will walk with the husband and the dogs and maybe a very close friend for the converstaion otherwise I prefer to walk on my own. It is a time for thinking and sorting out my brain.

    1. Exactly, it's a solo activity. I don't want to talk or listen, just walk

  7. I love Introvert Bingo. It was made for me. I walk with Princess, my German Shepherd. We have wonderful conversations about things we don't want to share with anyone else.


  8. Sometimes I enjoy walking with a friend, but when I'm doing it for the exercise, I want to walk alone. I don't want someone outpacing me or slowing me down. And I like to listen to the quiet.

    1. Yes. And I like to observe birds. They'll fly ahead of me and settle nearby if I'm alone. But you won't see them if there's talking or loud footsteps.

  9. I used to walk with my sister and that was pleasant.

    1. If you're compatible with your companion, stride, chatting, that's good.

  10. I like walking with family, but am just as happy on my own, as on my own as I can be with husband and two dogs.

  11. I definitely put a mark on every one of those Bingo squares.
    You know I'm completely with you on solo walking. Gary is a hoot.
    This Florida girl still has a meal's worth of soup in her refrigerator and it will be eaten.

    1. Gary is trying to delegate fitness! And you and e are definitely into cold weather food right now.

  12. I put a check on every square, too! Gary is funny, I know I would like him. The soup sounds good, it's certainly soup weather here. Stay warm and keep Helen happy.

    1. I think when we put up introvert charts in a blog we're preaching to the choir!

  13. Mr. M. and I used to walk 3 miles a day. Lupus and foot surgery has stopped that. I miss it. Your plant looks so healthy.

    1. Yes, you do get used to daily walks. The day doesn't feel quite right without them.

  14. Oh Gary! Delegate fitness - an apt phrase! I enjoy walking with friends, and also enjoy solo walks (with Rowan, who is turning into a surprisingly good bird-watching dog as she matures). Glad you and your wonderful long coat took a stroll in the fresh air.

    Bingo/bingo/bingo! It would be a blackout card except I'm a dork both in person or online; I don't often think about thinking; and I rarely shop online (but I do send Mike to the store in my stead).

    Coconut milk is my soup-salvation hack too.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I bless the day I got the long coat. Mainly it's windproof, a big improvement over my other one which isn't for the coldest weather.
      Shopping online is how I keep going! I hate stores of all kinds, tiring and over stimulating and there are damn PEOPLE there.

  15. I think we're on the same sleep schedule, waking way too early (5ish or before for me), trying to get back to sleep and finally hanging it up and getting up around 6 or so. I'm fine all day but about 7 start to crash, not good! I'm trying to force myself to stay up till 11 but it seems even when I do, I'm hot-wired to wake early now. I never did that till recent years.

    I need to get some potting soil too, to transplant Little Keith into a larger pot. And I hear you on walking. I love walking with a partner who walks like me. Otherwise, nope!

    1. I usually sleep about midnight to seven, works lovely except when the full moon has a word. I think that's what was up this time.
      What's Little Keith? I forget.


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