Thursday, January 23, 2025

Today's act of resistance, and Misfits

Please join me in helping flood this email box with protests against knee-jerk capitulation to the fascist regime. Email address at top left.

Public pressure can work. I notice that the anti trans mailbox in Missouri, urging people to report on trans surgery or other care, has been shut down after being flooded with mockery, trolling and complete movie scripts uploaded. 

I wasn't involved in that one, but I did help crash the Texas website a couple of years ago offering bounties on reported abortions. They never recovered. Sand in the gears, friends.

Meanwhile yesterday I never put my nose out of doors 

So my car sat without being run. Today while I organized the Misfits box, I started it, just fine. Phew.

And here's today's delivery excitement 

Limes for cordial, apples for midmorning snacks, tuna for tuna salad and tuna melts, yogurt and blueberries for desserts, chocolate covered cherries because I need them! Small order this week.

The chicken is still making sandwiches and going into a red sauce over orzo, then it's going to be soup.  Still in simple meal mode, because the cold exhausts me quickly, no spare energy for standing around in the kitchen. 

I've definitely inserted Qigong into my morning doings, put it on the calendar to make sure. It's ten minutes, enough to be going on with for now.

Happy day everyone, don't agonize, organize, and send that email if you agree it's a good idea. If not, fine, too, because I know US blogistas are pursuing resistance in several forms. 


  1. I placed a Misfits order. First time in a long time. I wanted fennel! It looks like you may have a minimum order that is less than mine, probably because they can use their own delivery person. I need to get into resistance mode. I've been languishing in shock mode. We were -4 F this morning. better than the -20 F yesterday. I should have ordered chocolate covered cherries.

    1. My minimum has been small for a while, yes, maybe because they're not dealing with FedEx in this region. They are adding a handling charge now.
      Yes always consider ordering something for your spirits.

  2. I always admire your activism and if I lived in the US I'd definitely be on board. Methinks, if the next federal election goes the way we expect, there will have to be that sort of resistence here too. Next 'up' on my list of things to figure out is how to become a member of the Liberal party if only to help choose the next leader. We seriously doubt whoever it is will form the next government but at least the Conservatives might not get in with a big majority. Having said that, a minority government would be helpful to keep those in power honest (or as honest as politicans CAN be) but...would a minority government be strong enough to withstand the donald. It's a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    1. Yes, I think you'd be wise to learn a bit about resistance, just as insurance.

  3. Never underestimate the power of sand in the gears!

  4. Having no idea what DEIA is that 'official' document reads like complete gobbledegook except for the last part about reporting. That bit sounds like East Germany or Yugoslavia (etc) under communism; a tool in the hands of nasty vengeful people. I really do hope you are successful in crashing that. I should research DEIA but we have someone in the household with mental health issues who is entirely focussed at present on the ill effects of your new president and unfortunately social media algorithms mean that the more she views about him the more she gets fed of it. We are trying to teach her to redirect said algorithms by consciously viewing completely different stuff and I dont want to start my newsfeeds going down the same rabbithole she has been sucked into.

    1. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility. The opening of jobs equally across race, gender, orientation and disability. It would protect the rights of someone like your household member with mental illness.

  5. Do your thing, Boud. Do what you can.

  6. I’m so happy your resisting. People power can work
    This dob in a person, for whatever reason the government says. Is very very close to hitlers rise in Germany
    It’s a scary time for you all

    1. It's exactly like the rise of another fascist regime. Good thing Joe appointed many judges to help turn back illegal orders. One already blocked the birthright

  7. Ban, not one of Joe's appointees, in fact from much earlier.

    1. Judge Coughenour is a Reagan appointee. How far the GOP has fallen.

  8. That's a nice looking Misfits. Well done on the resistance. I know lots of us will join you.

    1. Please do, Jeanie. It's vital that we shut down the e-mail with a massive response. This is where every person spending a few minutes can have a big impact.

  9. I hope others take up the cause as you have, Boud.

    1. So do I. Once you're in the swim, you can find easy and effective tasks like the current one, to do.

  10. So much to do and only four years to make it work.

  11. Thank you for this suggestion and will do. It's been cold in NYC, but I've managed to get myself out every day. Exercise is one of my major self-care management tools. We're looking at thirty tomorrow.

    1. Thanks for joining in. And yes to exercise, good for your spirits, too.

  12. I’m on that email this afternoon. I’m waving to you from across the river!

  13. When I heard about the reporting thing in regard to the DEIA I shuddered.

  14. Done. I also attached a copy of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments, since they has been removed from the white House website. Sand in the gears!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yay! That's a terrific response! I love this. Great sand.


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