Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Yeung Man again and mystery cans

Today I postponed my plans for making curried chickpeas after I found I had no ginger, coconut milk and various other vital ingredients. Instead I went to another Will Yeung recipe, for chickpea fritters. 

Those extra cans of chickpeas Misfits sent in mistake need to be used. So I assembled the cast for the recipe

Will loves spices, and with a base of onions, garlic, chickpeas and mashed potatoes, you can go wild. 

So then I opened the chickpea can and 

Out came black beans. Oh. I've notified Misfits, complete with picture. It's not a problem, I can use them, but they need to know they've got a labeling issue. 

So I opened another, and this turned out to be chickpeas. Which made terrific fritters, baked in the toaster oven, and I created some sort of sauce to go with it.

Grey poupon, kalamata olives, mayo and horseradish. I could also have used plain yogurt instead of mayo. Anyway it was pretty good.

The black beans I put with various spices into a quart of chicken broth I'd found in the freezer, and made a quick soup for supper with toasted seedy bread croutons.

Enough for more of all the same tomorrow.

It pays to be nimble around here.

And I thought since it's milder today, people might be interested in a bit of Freecycling.

Within minutes of posting I had competing requests.  I'm surprised really, these being a niche material, but I'm glad someone will be happy with them.  I have a lot of other threads, so I won't miss these. 

I may sort beads soon, too. 

Happy day everyone, you just never know what comedy might happen at any time.


  1. It enlivens the day, finding the contents don't match the label.

  2. Surprise! Someone at the labeling factory was drunk or high that day, lol.

  3. You are nimble indeed. Quite remarkable really.

    1. When you have Alice in Wonderland labeling you need to be!

  4. Being adaptable in the kitchen is so helpful. You did well!

    We are trying to limit trips to the store between major shopping expeditions. It is three weeks now and I have had to adapt recipes as the weeks went on. The hated grove shopping is later this week though.

    1. I'm so happy to have deliveries, because I really don't like spending energy shopping in person, either.

  5. Maybe that's why they sent you the beans by 'mistake' in the first place - perhaps they knew it was a labeling problem. Good thing you're flexible!

    1. I doubt that. They refunded me for the mistaken delivery in minutes, and messaged me almost instantly when I reported the mislabeling. They sounded mortified at the slip up. When they know of mislabeling they notify the customer and slash the price. This integrity is why I like dealing with them.

  6. I also have had good experience with Misfits when something goes wrong. I keep thinking I need to expand my food horizon but then just do what I do all over again. You keep finding new interests.

    1. I have a low threshold for boredom, and I only have myself to please. That's much easier.

  7. That was quite the surprise! But you were adaptable, for sure.
    Sorting and downsizing...goodness! I did that for a solid year going through everything I owned. Obviously very slowly--lol! Feels freeing! I'll be doing more after I move as I unpack and reorganize, I'm sure. Somebody will love those threads.
    Have a good week! :)

    1. I've been winnowing for five years, to leave less for my son to deal with. It's freeing, as you say. I emptied my entire art studio for starters. Then my art books. It's hard to acknowledge there are things you won't do again or use again, but it's good.

  8. Your recipes are always unusual, Boud, and I mean that in a sense of admiration. The mixup with the labeling was interesting, but black beans are versatile and you will surely put them to another delicious good use.

    1. Yes, it was in the same family of foods, at least.

  9. Living on a boat meant that cans would lose their labels quite readily (hundreds stored in the space under the floor when we set off on a voyage. Before the invention of spirit pens that made opening a can an entire mystery. At least you got bean/pea like alternatives. We could get peaches or rice pudding or meat chili.

    1. That would certainly be an interesting experience. No sense getting ready for soup and finding rice pudding!

  10. PS not surprised folks jumped when you posted the lovely metallic threads.

    1. I was a bit surprised to be honest, they seemed a bit specialized. But no, they went fast.

  11. We are doing what we can to show our shine to the world. Thank you for showing yours! Aloha from Honolulu

  12. I would have reacted by checking the label AGAIN after I'd opened the beans. That is a bit confusing, isn't it? Oh well, as you obviously know, black beans are delicious too. You could have made black bean burgers! But soup is good.

    1. I did check again, because I have cans of black beans in the same cabinet. I think!

  13. Whoops! That's kitchen adventure right there! It's great to hear that Misfits is an honorable company as well as an interesting and eco-minded one.

    We had a black bean-ish soup tonight as well. Definitely soup weather.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Misfits definitely walks the walk. I've dealt with them for years never problem

  14. That would have been quite a surprise to open that tin. Of course, you made lemonade... in a way.

    1. I have two more cans to go, so we'll see. Lemonade may yet happen.


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