Friday, January 17, 2025

New soup, new element, resist!

Today, glumly wondering what to make for lunch, I took a look in the small freezer, the fridge one, where I put leftovers and future soup makings.


The salted milk I poached the cod in, and the rest of the crushed tomatoes from a tomcheese bake.

Big handful of red onions, umami seasoning, cumin,  garlic, no salt because both the milk and the tomatoes already had salt.

Simmered for quite a while, maybe half an hour, then blended,  and finally added in the last chunks of cod.

Dill thrown on, and this easy shortcut turned out to be good enough it should have a fancy name. Bouillabaisse is already taken, hm. 

While I think, and invite your naming participation, here's a thing

I was talking about designer bookcases today online with an artist friend, both of us wondering why you'd have a whole big bookcase and put three curated items in it.

I have a couple crammed with books, then there's this 

As you see, the Dollivers and their dogs,  in their retirement home, upstairs from various materials involved in making.  Not designer fodder.

Happy day everyone! Resist. And those of us with privilege, let's use it for good.


  1. Now that the bookshelves in my computer room no longer hold a lot of books (since I can now only read e-books), they've become a depository for junk of all descriptions. I really need to sort, cull and tidy them up.

    1. True, empty shelves tend to attract sll kinds of unlikely stuff as long as it fits. When it starts falling off is when I decide I need to address it.

  2. Our living room shelves get cluttered despite my best efforts to keep them tidy. The kids games, art supplies etc have to go somewhere.

    1. Sometimes you just have to say well, they're not on the floor to trip over, anyway!

  3. Anyone who has a designer bookcase (and what is that?) with three curated items on it should come to their senses and give it to someone who needs a place to put books.
    That's my opinion.
    As for the soup- How about Pleasing Soup With Many Fine Ingredients?
    Probably not.

    1. That sounds like a great subtitle for the soup. The kind that Bill Veach might use in his recipe books.

  4. No sure what you would call the soup. I’m not big on fancy anything.
    Me bookcases are full too. They’re there for storage I say. And you would be silly to waste it

    1. This soup isn't really fancy, but it's very good! And yes, shelves are to use.

  5. You mean there are people in this world who have bookshelves with only three things on display? Who knew.
    The soup looks good but a name escapes me. Today we had garlic soup - 4 cups of garlic in it so don't want to get too close to those-that-haven't-eaten-it.

    1. That's a lot of garlic. I love garlic, and I bet I'd like that soup.

  6. You scratch together meals with the best of them.

  7. That is The Artful Codger soup; take a little here, take a little there, put it together and you’ve fed yourself another day. With cod.

  8. I have a ginormous bookcase I've had for years. It was in the studio forever, then grandchildren had it packed with books. I claimed it back when I began weaving again and sometimes it was full of items for sale. But it mostly holds thread to use now.

  9. I've seen bookcases that have "this and that" strategically placed for "looks" and I always think what a waste of space. I have five bookcases crammed full and one that has four shelves of books and two shelves of other things..

    1. I think designer bookcases are like designer fridge shelves. No point really.

  10. Oh, the bookcase would set off a panic attack. I’ve been sitting here trying to come up with a name for your soup. I see sparklingmerlot came up with a brilliant one. I wonder what number on the periodic chart the element of surprise is.

  11. It's definitely soup weather. I've just read a recipe for banana soup on another blog - just might try that this weekend.

    1. I've never heard of that one. Let us know how it goes.

  12. Bookcases containing three items only exist in design magazines! I don't think anyone actually lives like that. (I certainly don't!)

    1. I've seen them in Princeton houses. The kind that look like a furniture showroom and you wonder if the family lives next door.

  13. We have bookcases that are used not only for books, but also for family photos. Presently, there is no empty space available. I also have a bookcase in which odds and ends are hidden in storage cubes, which makes them harder to find at times, but also looks organized a bit more. Your throw together soup was creative and I am sure quite tasty, but I have no name to offer.

    BTW I too have been following Jon's progress for quite a while and it's good to know others like yourself have been as well. He is quite remarkable and his life experiences continue to be amazing.

    1. Jon is a force of nature and I'm glad to be able to offer a bit of support to him. What he's been through is hard even to read.
      The storage cubes are a mixed blessing. You, well I, can't remember what's in them, but they look better than random stuff.

  14. I do love that element of surprise! Have to keep reminding myself of the truth of privilege.

    1. Privilege is easy to overlook in ourselves. We tend to focus on where we don't have it.

  15. Thanks for the reminder to use my privilege for something good. Not feeling well, I've become far too focused on myself, which has just made things worse. I had arrived at this conclusion before I read your post, but you sort of cemented it for me.

    1. You certainly needed to focus on your health, but I hope you're doing better now.


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