Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Return of 8 pieces of silk

 The weather is like this this morning 

Walking is not happening. Instead I thought I'd try a return to Qigong, which I used to do regularly. I found a good leader here and tried the ten minute routine to see how Helen manages.

I love Qigong, which suits me better than Tai chi, so we'll see.

I needed a calming routine this morning after an exciting late evening. About 10:30 Gary came over to get my keys. The plows were coming around and he wanted to move my car, with his, to get our spots cleared.

Wind-chill well below zero f. at that point. He and another neighbor dug out the ice left by the plow and scattered ice melt. 

Then he tried to bring my car back. It looked like the battery wasn't working. Again. Eventually they did get it started. I couldn't see much but I think they had to use the jumper kit. It was one am before they got my car running and back home. Then they went home. What gallant friends. 

Then this morning Gary called and confirmed they did jump it, and he'll start looking for a new one. We went through all this last year, they were none anywhere to be had, and he ended up charging it overnight himself. He'll try again for a new one. Terminals crossed!

Last night I had not only the draft stopper between storm and front doors and the door curtain drawn, but I propped a pillow on end against the curtain to try to exclude drafts. They were whistling in.

You see why I needed to get calm this morning.  By Thursday the cold will abate.  Meanwhile it's staying home, heating soup and knitting gloves. Or maybe socks. 

The attempts to use pinloom squares is back to the drawing board. There seems to be a mismatch between weaving and knitting, which I haven't figured out yet. Perhaps the squares will be better employed as the center of another lapghan. We'll see.

This afternoon it's Textiles and Tea, so you'll hear about it later.

Meanwhile, I plan to have this blog be an oasis for activism, good food, good making and good hope. Any comments trying to draw attention to bad news will remain in the ether. Just sayin.

Photo AC 


  1. We're about the same temperature as you this morning. Sadly (on one hand) we had to go out to meet friends for breakfast. On the other hand, we would have liked to stay home where it's warm!
    Your car really does seem to have issues in the cold - thank goodness for neighbours to try to get it started. I can see some 'thankful baking' will be happening for treats for such gallantry.

    1. It's a long standing battery issue. Let's hope he can find one this time!

  2. Does -20 F constitute bad news? Our nighttime low. 7 is kind of cold for NJ. You have some really good people in your neighbors. Keep yourself warm.

    1. It's pretty normal Minnesota weather! We do occasionally get severe cold, plus there's always the wind.

  3. Brrr city here at 17ºF and sunshine.
    Prayers and good vibes for a new battery. I remember the days when I put a blanket over mine to keep it warm.
    I like the no bad news rule. Healthy living yay!

    1. Sunshine always makes it seem warmer even if it really isn't. I'm hoping the battery supply chain is better this year.

  4. I took the car on a little spin yesterday, just enough to get it warmed up properly.

  5. Problems are sent to exercise our brains and ingenuity.

  6. I enjoyed the Eight Pieces of Brocade course I took last fall. This session my schedule has shifted around, and I'm back to Yang style Tai Chi. I felt so good after the first class of it last week!

    1. I really enjoy qigong and I don't know why I forgot about doing it.

  7. Good neighbours are worth more than their weight in gold. You can't buy service like having neighbours who are thinking about their community. Good on your stated blog objectives. Activism and positivity all the way.

    1. I agree about my neighbors! My blog has always been this way, but I noticed people wanting to run into comments with depressing takes, so I'm reminding everyone we don't do that here.

  8. You do have very gallant neighbors! That is truly going above and beyond.

  9. We didn’t get to walk outside today either. Felt like -28 C with a strong wind. Time for the treadmill here.

    1. Yes, you really can't tough it out when frostbite is a possibility.

  10. I've never heard of Qigong before. Tai chi looks cool, but I can't balance so I'd probably fall over while trying to make those slow movements. I hope you can stay warm!


    1. I really like qigong, because it's good him red. I mean an exercise called Punching with Angry Eyes! I love the punching ones

    2. That's good humored, not what bullytext put!

  11. We have the opposite, it’s been so hot you took your life into your own hands going out there. The heat just seared and you felt like a sponge that’s been left out and dried hard.
    The answer to both is definitely stay inside and craft away

    1. It's hard to remember that heat from last summer. But yes, indoors is better in both extremes..

  12. I am glad you have good neighbors and got the car started, please stay warm.

  13. Waving a cold hand in your direction. Bless Gary!

    1. You seem to be surviving the city cold, then.


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