Saturday, January 18, 2025

Good news for plants and people

This morning I finished boxing the completed lapghan, which turned out very warm and sturdy with its fleecy backing. The backing is dark grey, works well with the colors. You can see it through the lacy squares. So now it's draft proof, always a good thing with granny squares.

I added in three pairs of fingerless gloves, after pressing and airing lapghan and gloves.

Then I added in a few skeins of bright colored yarn and a couple of sets of knitting needles and a circular. Just in case anyone would like to knit. It can be helpful if you're in crisis, which these recipients certainly are.

So now it's gone. I made it to the PO and got a warm welcome from Lou behind the counter. I suspect he thought I'd gone when he hadn't seen me in a while. People wonder.

So that was good for everyone. And one of Biden's final acts of his presidency 

Fair warning: I'm not entertaining any legalistic comments on this, whether it's legally binding, what the DOJ has to say, or the national archivist, none of it. I just want with my fellow American women, to savor the moment. Thank you Joe.

I've been pushing for decades for this simple few words to be enacted. Including messaging Joe asking for his declaration. Twenty four words, meaning everything.

Back on the ground, I did a bit of home gardening.

Here's Gary's anthurium which had outgrown its tiny starter pot, ready for a bigger one, and coleus, already rooted strongly in water, which will go to Gary along with the anthurium once it's settled.

And clockwise, the anthurium with her brave new leaf, coleus for Gary, new prunings from the potted coleus starting in water, and three tiny succulent leaves started in the tiny pot from the anthurium.

It seems a bit early in the year, but the coleus had put on a spurt, the succulents are putting out new growth all over, so I took my cue from them. They know what they're doing.

Happy day everyone, one way to resist is to enrich our own lives however we can, so I'm doing that.

Photo AC 


  1. Good for Joe! He's certainly doing good right up until the last possible moment.
    You've reminded me that I have to get some potting soil so I can give my rooted spider plants and wandering jew a better lease on life. Then the problem will be finding somewhere to put them!

    1. Tnose are two plants I've grown and given away so often. They grow in spite of you, so prolific.

  2. House gardening is very satisfying. I must try coleus again - I haven't had any for years, and they're so pretty.

    1. My coleus plants are the descendants of seeds several years ago. They're easy to grow. I think they're in the mint family, which would explain it.

  3. I hope all he's done isn't undone...Long overdue on this. Your package will make someone happy and warm!

    1. Yes, there's no doubt the felon will try to undo a lot. We can resist and hope

  4. I don't understand a lot about the American constitution but I hope so much that he can't change things to allow him to continue after the next four miserable years are up.

    1. I think he'll try. I think he won't succeed. For one thing, there are other people wanting to run, from his own party.

  5. A happy amendment. Long may it stay

  6. Thank you for mentioning the ERA. May it stick.

    1. It got very little attention. So I needed to boost the signal.

  7. I started new plants from cuttings too this week.

  8. Good for Joe. He’s a pretty good guy.

    1. It's been a golden four years. I'm glad I got to live it.

  9. A good finale from a very good man.

    Our plants for sure know that the days are getting longer. I also heard the first fee-bee from a brave wee chickadee today.

    Chris from Boise

    PS Good work on the latest package sent.

    1. The days also woke up an ant! On my counter..
      Yes, Joe is what we needed these last few years.

  10. The plants look so happy! Wouldn’t it be a wonder if the ERA actually sneaks through? Won’t happen, but the message from Biden is good.

    1. I'm very pleased with the plants, and hopeful about the succulents, such good signs.
      I messaged Biden a thank you for ERA.

  11. I marched in a huge wave of people that ended up at the Florida capitol, way, way back in the early seventies for the ERA. I think Alan Alda was a speaker that day.
    It is absolutely unbelievable that those words have not managed to become and amendment. As I recall, those who fought it used the bathrooms as an excuse.
    Thing never change.
    It feels good to put plants in new homes, doesn't it?

    1. Always bathrooms. As if they were never in an airplane.
      Yes, I felt very pleased when I did that little bit of gardening.

  12. It was ratified in 2020. Good for Joe for finally announcing it. My cuttings from earlier are sending out roots.

    1. It's not a difficult concept, but anyway we're here.

  13. Good for Joe, indeed!! I'm so fearful for what is to come. I'm staying off FB today, tomorrow and the next day as a protest for the end to fact checking on FB. Zuckerberg is such a jerk. Many people said they were going to boycott it for those 3 days, or at least the day of the Inauguration. Hope they do. Wish you had posted pictures of your lapghan. Would love to have seen your donations. Too cold to think about plants yet for me. At home it's 9 degrees and hasn't been above single digits for over a week, with snow on the ground that hasn't melted because it hasn't warmed up. Luck me, I'm not there; as hubby and I get out of dodge for the winter. We just started doing that these past couple of years and it's been nice.

    1. I would never set foot in any Z owned property. My online platform since before it even started, I took part in the crowd sourcing, is Spoutible, which not only kept, but reinforced its fact checking, accuracy alerts, for both images and text.
      There are pictures of the lapghan and gloves in recent posts, just scroll back.

  14. It's still astonishing to me that the ERA, which seems so simple and straightforward, carries with it even a microgram of controversy. I do not get it.

    I need to remember to grow coleus this summer. I always love the look of it.

    1. It's so simple, but it pushes back on the sacred notion of male supremacy, so it seems dangerous! Or something.
      Coleus is so easy, from seed, a really obliging plant, in the ground or in container. And I like the variety of colors it gives

  15. Someone will really appreciate your efforts when they receive the lapghan and gloves. We are going to be in for a bumpy ride.

    1. They're going to South Dakota where it's deadly cold, so I think they'll be useful.

  16. Your plants look amazing. I know that the gloves will be welcomed and you appreciated. Thank you for your comment on lupus.

    1. Nicole, the comment was the least I could do. So often people don't understand that putting on a cheerful undaunted face doesn't mean you're well. It means you're the grown-up in the room. Go you! And your egg caper.

  17. The equal rights amendment should have been the law of the land. Then women would have equal rights and have control over their bodies. That's why I am disappointed that it has not been certified still. But now it will go to the courts.

    I saved a coleus I really loved from my summer garden and it is still small but very beautiful. I do love having beautiful little plants to tend to helps in this harsh weather.

    1. I hope I live to see ERA certified. And, yes, one of my winter pleasures is seeing houseplants against an outdoor view of snow. Like today.

  18. I know I commented on this post. Perhaps I went to spam. I've been doing that a lot lately. I get lost and wander off.

    1. Blogger is haphazard again. I check spam daily and it can take weeks for comments to show up. When it does, I'll catch it.


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