Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Made it to Tuesday knitting group, and Textiles and Tea,Hope Wang

I made it to the knitting group, no pictures, no stuff you haven't seen before, and it was a great session. Talk ranged over a new spinning group underway at another library, I'm invited, online scams, granny squares, teaching singing to disabled students, retirement communities, speeding, local police finding dogs, a cat reunion with owners, car batteries, and more.

Home again to Textiles and Tea with Hope Wang, weaver, painter, photographer, poet, who founded the Chicago LoomRoom. It's a communal space for renting time on looms such as the wildly expensive TC2  Jacquard loom, that huge white one in the pictures. This puts it in reach for weavers without access to university-based equipment, and brings loom and weavers together.

She combines her talents in her own weaving practice to create cotton and silk artworks -- Chicago readers note there's a solo show soon, Asunder, see the picture with more information.  And she gave the best explanation of how the TC2 works that I've heard. 

She's a hugely talented and personable artist, who's next going to center her poetry, rather than the weaving. 

So that was a very good day. Helen held up well with the library furniture, too. Public furniture is often a snare and a delusion!

Happy day everyone,  whatever you're doing. I'm hearing great resistance stories. And cute winter boots feature in them! TikTok code for guess what word, to dodge the algorithm, since it's cracking down on free speech.

Got my cute winter boots laced and ready to go!


  1. What a relief to realize this read Hope Wang and not Hope Waning!

  2. How nice to be back at the Tuesday knitting group!

  3. By spinning, you do not mean this. 😎😇

    "Indoor cycling, often called spinning, is a form of exercise with classes focusing on endurance, strength, intervals, high intensity (race days) and recovery, and involves using a special stationary exercise bicycle with a weighted flywheel in a classroom setting."

    1. A young friend told me while back she had joined a spinning class. I asked her where, in case I could join. At the gym of course! Where else can you spin?? Confusion all round.

  4. It sounds like the resistance is growing…Yay!

    1. There's plenty of it about. It just needs our action.

  5. I know it is good for your soul to get back to the group. Pottery is like that for me. It's more about the quiet companionship than the work on some days.

    1. It's more like endless chat than quiet, but I get very little social time, so it's good.

  6. Dear Liz, don't you think that our hard-working customs and border protectors could do with some cute winter booties? Best from Switzerland a

  7. It's fantastic you were able to return to your knitting group! That's some beautiful weaving.

  8. Still would have liked to seen your work. Very cool on the silk art though. Happy 2025!

    1. Stick around, you can't miss seeing my work around here! Happy New Lunar Year!

  9. Glad you were able to get out to the knitting group. Just getting out is a good thing some days. T&T looks good too. I was particularly taken with the use of caution tape, particularly after I used it recently in one of my landscapes.

  10. We have a similar weaving studio in Cleveland, Praxis. When the Cleveland Art Institute discontinued their fiber program, two women acquired all their looms and equipment and opened this wonderful space. The first time I retired from weaving I donated everything to them. When I wanted to weave again, I did buy a loom, but wound up trading it to Praxis for my favorite old loom.

    1. They were on Textiles and Tea a while back, and we discussed this. Wonderful initiative


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