Thursday, January 30, 2025

Misfits, King Arthur branches out and the return of the Sterno

Misfits arrived today, one item missing and already credited, the miso tofu.

So, no miso tofu,  I rethought today's menu, and ended up making a thick soup using all these carrots, the rest of the yellow potatoes and the last of the chicken stock.  With a container of hot cooked spices including ginger, I found in the freezer, cumin, umami seasoning and some of the coconut milk you see here. Enough for five bowls. Today's lunch was one bowl, with cheese toast.

The tomatoes will go in a tomato egg cheese bake in the toaster oven.  Spinach will probably be steamed with a poached egg on top. And included in cannellini bean fritters,  that's if the beans are correctly labeled. But, as Tigger's Mom pointed out, if they're at least in the same food group, it'll work.

I haven't baked recently, but I'm thinking about raisin bread, since I haven't made bread much either. Nice for breakfast for Gary, too. And afternoon tea when Handsome Son visits next week.

In the baking world, I just received a fancy catalog with products, largely mixes, and expensive lovely equipment from King Arthur flour. 

I think they've saturated the market of people baking from scratch starting in the pandemic, and now they're moving on to people with less time, so mixes. Also income, so fancy equipment. 

I really like some of the beautifully designed measuring spoons and cups, and the ravioli pan, where you press the pasta in the depressions to fill, then cover.

Then I realize my battered old measuring cups and spoons are still operational, and I can make, and have made,  ravioli without faffing around with a special pan. 

I can make a nice cheese filling without three kinds of flour and cheese, come to think of it. And I don't think I'm in the market for a stand mixer, beautiful as it is. But it's lovely to page through anyway. Baking porn.

Speaking of my primitive kitchen, I pulled out my old Sterno stoves, of our long ago camping history. One's a two-burner, posh, and there's this, which was stored flat and took ages to figure out how to fold it right.

Nice to set a pan or kettle on, and I'm thinking of using it on the deck in warmer weather, to make my pot of tea on the spot instead of carrying it, boiling,  through the house and outside.  

I need Sterno fuel, the outdoor kind is fine, no need for the caterer's indoor sort.  It's a plan. Handsome Son loves this kind of idea and I've no doubt he'll endorse it. I'm surprised Sterno is still available, decades since we used it.

So that's my Outward Bound summer plan. Making tea on the deck, life in the fast lane.

Happy day everyone,  January has been fast and agonizingly slow at the same time.   Be like Billie, small but determined. Hang in there.

Breaking: word is my Senator Booker supports RFK. I've written demanding to know if it's true and if so, be ready to be primaried.


  1. I love food porn too -- baking and equipment. But I resist temptation to buy stuff I don't need, can't use, or don't have room for. Therefore, I have no stand mixer either.

    1. Quite a few recipes instruct you to use a stand mixer. I do it by hand or with a small hand mixer. Works fine. And I think easier to clean.

  2. I is now self edjicated about Sterno. I've heard of it but I've never seen such fuel, and I wonder why we don't have it here.

    1. Interesting. I wonder what caterers use. Here it's handy when there's no power supply, like in a buffet tent or room where you don't want people tripping over power cords.

  3. RC and I just finished doing our online grocery order with more of an eye towards buying Canadian-made as much as possible (I'm sure in the US there's the opposite train of thought). Sadly it means paying more out of pocket for some things.
    I'm sure the King Arthur Flour catalogue is drool-worthy and it's nice to dream but most of us don't need fancy 'things' to cook with. Years (too many to count) we bought stainless steel measuring cups and spoons and they will last us the rest of our lives and be handed down.

    1. Likewise my glass measuring jugs. I've had them decades and they still work fine. But there are prettier newer ones, all kinds of tempting ideas.

  4. Baking porn! I love that! Made me giggle out loud. I have gotten their catalogs in the past and know exactly what you mean. I, too, drooled, but am too practical for much of the fancy supplies. I hope you got your bread made. :)

    1. The bread will happen soon. I've seen a video where the baker used parchment paper to fashion bread tins. That's more my speed than fancy containers.

  5. We broke out our camping stove during a power failure a few years ago.

    1. Since I have a gas stove top, that's not an issue even in a power cut. But it's a good feeling to be self sufficient , even so.

  6. Replies
    1. I might even rush the season and do it earlier than the warm weather.

  7. I Googled Sterno. It is in stores here.

    1. Surprisingly, it's in our local supermarkets. I was thinking it would be obsolete.

  8. Also Amazon, and the stoves like yours that fold

    1. It seems as if it's not a vanished technology. I've had my two stoves for over fifty years. There's no way to wear them out, it seems.

  9. I love your idea for backyard tea. Sterno brings back memories.

  10. My sweet husband sometimes goes to the fancy cooking store to buy me little implements that he thinks I might find useful in the kitchen. So many of these things end up in a drawer. It is the thought that counts and I know he is trying to please.
    I remember Sterno from Girl Scout camping trips. But what did we cook on them? I only remember cooking on a fire.

    1. Those single purpose cooking tools don't get much use, but they always seem like a good idea at the time.

  11. I order my flour from King Arthur but nothing else. I think using a special pan for ravioli would be more effort than just using two sheets go rolled pasta. I have a KitchenAid stand mixer that I used a lot, now it simply decorates the counter. I've used stereo many years ago when I did some entertaining. I haven't heard that word in a long time.

    1. Stand mixers are used a lot in professional chef presentations, probably because there's $$ involved. But I'm not up to running a kitchen like a factory floor! And I agree, some fancy equipment is more trouble than value. And then you have to wash and store it.

  12. Tell me it ain't so: Senator Booker supports RFK, Jr,?????

    1. Apparently they're aligned in getting highly processed food off the market. But Booker, devoted vegan, means it, and the other guy is saying what works. The vote hasn't happened yet, so we'll see if outrage like mine pushes him to a no.

  13. I would never have thought Booker would support RFK. Shocking really!

    1. See my response to Inger. And we'll see how he votes.

  14. Funny you should mention a mixture as I am writing about mine for an upcoming post. LOOOOOVE my mixer. It was one of those tools that I wasn't sure how much I'd use and now, it's got his own table. The dough and waffle station. So good!

    Happy Continued Baking to you!


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