Wednesday, January 15, 2025

MLK birthday, and Philomena

Today's the birthday of Martin Luther King, so I'm centering him. 

Monday is the official observance and I'm disregarding other events that day in favor of looking for counter programming about centering Black people. I'll probably find them on Spoutible.

And there's a new online publication, a consortium of journalists, The Contrarian. I've joined. I'd rather have their unbought take on the news, and starve the MSM. 

MSM, incidentally, are now running news about how well Biden did, how great the standing of the US, how well the economy has recovered, everything they ignored for four years. They must have noticed the hemorrhage of subscribers and clicks after their election "coverage".  Bit late now though.

But comic relief today is Philomena Cunk, wonderful YouTube channel in her downright northern voice and stage name. The premise is that notable experts in their fields interview with her, as she puts the sort of question a smart five year old might. Every parent has met these almost unanswerable questions.  

And some experts get in knots struggling with it, while others with less personal vanity, can handle it. People at the top of their field are likely to say, well, that's interesting, I don't know but I'll think about it.  Then there are the academics who can not bear to say I don't know, and go down blustering!  Meanwhile you can learn a lot.

Today cold,  windy and sunny and I made it around the short block. Yay me. 

Happy day, everyone! 


  1. When I read the title 'The Contrarian' I immediately thought that their news might be contrary to the norm. Rather a good choice of title if that's the case.

    1. Exactly. It's contrary to the rubbish MSM has been publishing for years.

  2. I'll check the Contrarian out. I noticed right after the election how the news suddenly shifted to the positivity of the fours of Biden. The cult doesn't listen MSM anyway, so I don't know it matter, other than giving credit where credit is due. Good for you getting in a walk.

    1. It's not working for msm. There's a great uptick in indie podcast and journalists banding together after dumping the mainstream newspapers. I'm all for it.

  3. I'll be enjoying a media fast on Monday.

  4. There is no way I could watch the inauguration. My head would probably explode.
    Philomena sort of drives me crazy. But I do enjoy her in small bites.

    1. I'm totally counter programming that day. Probably finishing the lapghan ready to ship.
      I agree cunk is best in small doses. Like most comics, I think.

  5. The comedian who portrays Philomena also had a show on the BBC called "Mandy" that we loved. VERY funny.

    1. She's great at improv -- see her video with school age kids.

  6. Yay you and your long coat again!

    I will spend Monday as a day of service, and agree with Debra She Who Seeks, a news fast.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Great plans. Some good may come of that day.

  7. Again interesting news to me about MSM subscriptions etc dropping.

    1. Washington Post alone had nearly half a million canceled subs. That was after they refused to endorse Kamala. It was obvious Bezos wanted the felon to win.

  8. The Cunk on Life program is hilarious! Such an unusual type of humour. A breath of fresh air. Loved it!

  9. I like The Contrarian. Another good one is Dan Rather's Steady.

    1. We need to publicize the good sources. Like Daily Beans podcasts.

  10. Oh, are the news people now waking up to Biden’s strong term? Rascals.

  11. Diane Morgan (Philomena Cunk) is an entertaining actor and writer. The trouble is that many people will take Cunk's observations as truth!

    1. She asks questions. And a lot of them are spot on accurate!

  12. I do at enjoy Philomena. She did some shows on history, however, that annoyed me because I was really there for the history and not for her ... histrionics. Yes, to The Contrarian.

    1. I think the interview subjects are throwing the histrionics when they're tied up in knots by her questions!

  13. I adore Philomena Cunk. (Diane Morgan) She is absolutely fantastic and spot on! I think I've seen everything she's done. Cunk on Britain was a favorite but all of them. Fabulous!

    1. I haven't seen a lot yet. A pleasure to come.


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