Wednesday, May 20, 2015

And in the Spring, it's all about asparagus

Here's some of yesterday's farmshare asparagus, steamed gently, and here served with lemon butter sauce at the left for dipping, capers because I have started really liking them, and the last of the quiche, still tasting good after being frozen.  And a ripe slice of melon, this one from the Asian produce department.

And considering I was only interrupted by the arrival of the chimney sweep and team, old friend Patt, who's been coming to my houses for years and years, was a friend of Handsome Partner, too, and was very complimentary about how I'm looking, so tactful,  and a couple of urgent visits from a neighbor, also a very peaceful and happy morning.


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful meal! :) Looking forward to watching you be creative with your farm shares this year.


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