Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas from us all

The Dollivers, with the pillows of Joy, Peace and No (in fact Noel, but a Dolliver likes it better this way), and the creche, with wise men in the multitude, and all the attendant pets and Ds own dolls, wish you all a Merry Christmas, Good New Year and all you wish for.

If that includes peace and quiet, we definitely second that, too. And we remember Kwanzaa, and we even remember Festivus, the Festival for the Rest of Us, with the recital of the grievances....

The Ds demanded that HP be part of the picture, too, and helped get him together with them, then instructed him to say cheese or else, and here's a picture of HP looking cheerful, which is pretty amazing, since we had one of those bad mornings. Much better now and after listening to carols and cheery songs on the radio, both feeling much more Christmassy than we did a couple of hours ago.

Even the toughest day can yield something good, and the Ds ensured the comic relief that put us all back together again.

And this afternoon, we plan a Christmas Even afternoon tea complete with the authentic English scones and gourmet jam, courtesy of dear Carol Q, and excellent tea, Lapsang Souchong for HP courtesy of Rhonda, and PG Tips for me, courtesy of Carol, like Rhonda, from Ravelry. Such great friends, who couldn't be happy?

Cheers, blogistas!


  1. Merry Christmas to you both! Enjoy your afternoon tea. We'll be having some too.

  2. Merry Christmas. Glad the day improved as it went along. Scones sound very good right now, and I have the perfect fancy-schmancy jar of lemon curd.


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