Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One Kimono In Search of an Owner

The baby kimono in purple, pink and deep pink is DONE! surprising amount of knitting in this little thing. But it served its calm inducing purposes for me, about which more in a sec.

Meanwhile, here it is: it's wool (not the sort of jacket that goes next to the skin), easy to put on because it opens wide, and is measured as shown, see the inches before you decide if you know a little person who would like it. Babies love strong colors, and you must admit these are strong colors! so email me if you're up for it, and I'll see who comes out as the lucky receiver, free gift from moi.

But PLEASE be sure it will be big enough for the baby before you request it. Read the sizing on the measuring tape in the pix for width and length. No use my giving you an estimated age for this, since babies vary so much that one baby's outgrown stuff another of the same age isn't yet in sight of.

And we got the lab results for HP, which shows something quite different from what we'd suspected -- low sodium, which may have accounted for a lot of the mental confusion and agitation, and the seizure and various other things. Can be a side effect of one of the seizure meds he takes (irony there, since it triggered a seizure, but oh well). So he's started on another medication to correct that situation. And we're hoping. More lab work in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, nursing care once a week to see how he's doing, and tomorrow, a home health aide here early enough to be useful, yay. Just tomorrow, who knows if it will ever happen again! and tomorrow respite student will be here and I can run away for a couple of hours.

AND, big AND, the blessed aide in my state assemblywoman's office, who has come to my rescue before, did it again, slashed through the red tape and I will get the correct forms for the tax allowance, and the correct ID and the correct PIN, first time in history, and I can reapply. I love this guy, so cheerful and competent.

Don't know about the grand jury summons yet, but if they won't excuse me, I'll get my hero in the assemblywoman's office on the case! he'll show 'em.

And I have an appointment to get an estimate on the new heating and AC systems for the house, and will get them done eftsoons before the weather gets too cold.

So things is better. If you don't count the electrical outlet that came completely out of the wall into my hand this afternoon when I tried to unplug the iron after I touched up the baby jacket. Saved by a handy neighbor lady who knows electricity and wiring and fixed it all back again. both of us tutting firmly about the shoddy work that put it in like that in the first place. After 20 years we're still finding shoddy stuff showing up.

Same neighbor lady stayed for a cup of tea and a hilarious accounting of the latest events in her six ferrets' lives....they're her equivalent of the Dollivers. She's an old and treasured friend, we're blessed. And I gave her a couple of ratchet sets to add to her tool collection, since they're complete, unused (HP used to like tools even ones he didn't quite get around to using) and she can use them.

So all in all, I'd say this is an okay place to be.


  1. Your kimono turned out so well. Glad to hear your legislator's office came through.

    Confused bit: Your neighbor lady collects ratchet sets? I mean, it takes all kinds to make a world, but RATCHET SETS?

  2. Very cute little kimono. I have knitted a couple of similar patterns. Those rows seem so long for such a wee thing.

    So glad to hear that things are sorted pretty much all 'round for you. What a relief! I'm sure your assemblywoman's-man (love that title) will come to the rescue if necessary for the jury duty.

    Do enjoy your couple of hours respite.

    Hugs to you both.


  3. Can't believe that as sole caregiver you'd not be excused. Will keep fingers crossed. Glad things are sorted for the nonce. A beautiful day here, no gloom, all bright. If it's not bright your way, I'm wafting it toward you!


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