Monday, October 25, 2010

A Modest Plan

So the squirrels are busy stuffing on walnuts in anticipation of bad weather, at least that's their story, and the leaves are drifting down

and the miniature dachshunds are in training for the big winter race in the park

he's coming up on the rail, ready to go all out, one furlong and he's leading the field by a doxie length...and chez Boud some Christmas, ssshhh, stuff has been accomplished.

There is nothing like tension and anxiety to fuel the knitting needs, and the current crop of three hats, one belt, one tiny purse and two scarves are there to prove it. One hat to respite student, one to HS, and the third as you will see

The picture is of the future presents for our wonderful cleaning couple and their teen daughter who was not too proud to come out and join in the cleaning team in the summer. I always add in a little actual cash, but some stuff is good, too. And they're out in all weathers, so these will be nice.

The scarf is the yarn harlot's one row scarf, looks much more complex than it knits, made from the lovely harvested lambswool sweater which has yielded half a dozen nice things to date, and there's still some to go. The scarf I followed a pattern, but the others I adapted or designed from scratch, more fun that way.

The hat for the man of the couple is knitted in single rib followed by shaker rib for the main pattern part and stocking stitch for the tapered crown, in superwash wool.

And the teeny purse is crocheted in some yarn mix, just a fun item really, but you can put your keys in it, or your cellphone or your MP3 player, or whatever else they will have invented by the end of the year.

And on the household front, the carpet man was here today to measure the kitchen for a new floor, vinyl, and commented hm, about time, really, to which I heartily agreed, and the measuring and pricing for stair carpet for front door to loft, two full flights and one long hallway's worth.

Nice green gentle color, NOT horrible old beige pile like the stuff in place now, high time that went, too, and they will be in touch when it's all in the shop. Nice people. They've done good work for me more than once, and it stays done and looks good. So. We're on. That's the Christmas present for the house, I guess.

New windows next. In the Spring, though, can't tolerate having them all out at once in the cold weather! but they have to go, original windows put in by builders, being replaced all around here as people can't stand the drafts any longer. But that's Easter planning, not Christmas, if we do home improvements by the church, wonder what I should plan for Quinquagesima.

Meanwhile, I plan to do as little as possible, other than read about which more when I post next, some exciting stuff in the mail today along those lines.


  1. We are renovating, too. Replaced our windows. Now it's time to address the masonry in the basement, get the floor refinished, and touch up the paint -- everywhere. It's so overwhelming!

    I love how squirrels pick out your bulbs and move them to another location. It adds a nice bit of surprise to spring.

  2. Pity quince isn't around to preserve at Quinquagesima!!

  3. The scarf is lovely ... I will have to look up that pattern. And I did smile at the wee purse. I still have a ball or two of that yarn in the embarrassing basement stash (embarrassing because the stash is so huge and I am not knitting it up at all).


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