Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Life is Sweet, yes!

Just as the card says, Life is Sweet!  yes, when there are friends like Asha in it!  What a lovely surprise package arrived today, and thank you so much!

Two vintage cross stitch mags, one new embroidery hoop just right for the smaller motifs I'm getting into, and a lovely handknit cowl in delicious colors and the softest of yarn.  My neck always feels drafty, so this will be wonderful when the cooler days come, and it will get a lot of mileage with me!  

Thank you, Asha, always such a deft touch with what will be just the ticket. You did it again! There's always a jolt of excitement when I see your writing on a parcel.  My postie laughed when she saw me light up as she handed it to me!


  1. Oooh, what a lovely gift package! The cowl is so pretty, and I can imagine how much fun you'll have turning the pages of the magazines, finding inspiration or a crafty tip or two.
    Package in the mail...wheeee!

  2. Yay! So happy that it reached you safely. Enjoy my friend.

  3. Getting something unexpected in the mail has to be the best!! Looks like you got a goldmine of thoughtful goodies.


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