Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ah, six words won't do it! 6WS

This has been one of those weeks where huge events of all kinds have been crashing in on top of one another.  

Terrible assault on the congregation at prayer in a black church, then three huge legal victories at the Supreme level, in housing, directly affecting minorities, and health care, affecting everyone too young for Medicare, and marriage equality, affecting another marginalized group.  

The President addressing the joy of the LGBT population and immediately leaving the White House  to give a eulogy for the pastor of the attacked church.  The Confederate flag finally being consigned to the museums.   Hardly time for anyone in the nation to catch a breath between tragedy and triumph.

Then Midsummer's Day, the earth turning on its axis toward a new season, and today Handsome Partner's birthday.  Handsome Son and I celebrate him on this day, since he died on HS birthday in August, so we keep that day for HS.  I think it's better to remember people on their birthdays rather than when they left us.


  1. I think it is much better to remember people in their birthdays because it is more of a celebration of their life then. I love that picture.

  2. I think it is much better to remember people in their birthdays because it is more of a celebration of their life then. I love that picture.

  3. I agree that birthday remembrance is so much better - and your photo this time is very fitting.


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