Thursday, November 20, 2014

We're going to new homes! we've been picked! The Great Bear Farewell

The large contingent of bears sitting around on the  spare room bed these few months are about to be launched on the world.  

Tomorrow, off in the arms of a wonderful freecycler who will distribute them to families who really need a bear.  Bears have a presence, and we're all sorry to lose them. Well, maybe the Dollivers thought they took up too much time and attention, but, supervised by Marigold,  they still put on a good show and a party.

With Elton playing a brisk accompaniment, the assembled company of Dollivers and Departing Bears broke into song, ranging from Teddy Bears' Picnic, to Off we Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder, and If My Folks Could See Me Now, and with shouts of bear with me, I'm being borne away, beary Thanksgiving to you all at Boud's, they leapt into their carrying bag ready for the Bear Ride.

The house will be a lot quieter now, though a couple of bears did vote to remain, to keep an eye on the household.  Not pictured, because the Ds might not approve.  They fancied a  clean sweep and a bear-free environment, but since they caught sight of the new ski caps, they have enough material for complaint already.

Thank you Freecycler C., for always being willing to take and distribute good things to good people.


  1. that photo does seem to (sorry) bear out what you were saying about the Dollivers, I dont believe ive ever seen such pissy faces on them before...
    but what a wonderful collection of bears, especially the brown one in the front row with the white bear (bunny?) behind him...he looks so expectant...and what a wonderful idea to redistribute them.

    Yes, bears do have a presence, and each one is its own self.

  2. Thanks should go to you for your generosity. Imagine the joy they are going to bring to a child. Such a gift to be in a position to give.

  3. Good luck Bears! I know you will bring much joy in your new positions.

  4. Hooray! It's so nice to know that the bears will be loved. Lovely story, and kudos to Freecycle.

  5. ...and they all lived happily ever after. :)

  6. I'm laughing about the "pissy faces". Took another look, its true its true!

  7. Farewell bears, onward to the arms of love. And yes, the Dollivers are wearing their emotions quite plainly. I hope they don't fret too much when they realise not all the bears have left. :)


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