Sunday, June 17, 2012

Scents from Field and Fen

The patio is most of my field and fen, and mid June is a great time to sample all the scents going on out there, what with the herbs and the houseplants at camp in the fresh air.

Right now, strolling left to right, is spearmint, which grows because it wants to, and probably got here originally by hitch hiking with some other plant, and marigolds then this year's basil. Funny about marigolds. As a kid I hated the smell of them, just foul to me, but either they've changed or I have, because now I love the scent, a lovely dark grainy effect.

Then the herbs which come back year after year, in their containers, thyme, oregano, rosemary, sage and more basil.

And this year's nasturtium which don't smell so strongly, but taste wonderfully peppery in salad. Then the houseplant stephanotis is about to burst into bloom, like orange blossom but better.

On the table is the rose scented geranium, always reminds me of turkish delight.You can use the leaves for flavoring in desserts and tea. The wild cherry tree is festooned with houseplants, and you'll see the Boston ferns, which used to be one, now flourishing as two. The dracaena, not in this picture, is moving right along as two plants, too. That was the one with the xrated surgery which I withheld from general view in here a while back.

And Charlotte, in charge of keeping the insect population in bounds, here in the architecture of her web, what an artist.

I haven't noticed much writing in the web, but we don't have a crying pig, either.


  1. Everything looks so healthy. Interesting that you were able to bring herbs forward from year to year. Have tried that but didn't work for me. Pity. Amazing web.. and amazing pic ..

  2. Love the green; and I wish I had a green thumb. I would love a fresh herb garden for my cooking. I'll have to try to at least get some mint and some basil!

  3. One of these days I will have to try eating nasturtium in a salad. I was happily 'snuffling' some beautiful mock orange blossoms last weekend...mmmm.


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