Sunday, April 1, 2012

Behind the Scenes in the Egg Studio

The Ds. pointed out that five is a perfect number of decorated Easter eggs, one each. I didn't break it to them, pun intended, that all but one have destinations already, so the Ds. and Elton and the Dogs (his new group) will have to share, but they will get a photo opp.

This triggered a mad scramble through the fabric basket for appropriate Easter stuff, preferably with an egg motif, and Elton applied for a new hatband to match, and insisted that all the Dogs get a new collar. This is getting out of hand.

Elton's pawing through his sheet music to put together his program of piano accompaniment to the shoot.

Anyway, up in the studio, the eggs are drying after several stages of painting and rolling in acrylic and drawing into wet paint with skewers.

Nail polish is the preferred varnish finish for them, so as not to asphyxiate any humans on the way.

This afternoon there's an embroidery adventure: my first meeting of the Guild, complete with project to do, yet to be seen. We'll see how this goes!


  1. I love the behind the scenes views and scrutinize everything in view such as Specs hanging from something on the wall and what are those things on the trestle in the backgound?

  2. The specs are old ones of mine, no lenses in them, hanging around until they get into some artwork.

    The things on the table in the background are part of my next project: the artist's traveling journal for my local art group. I'm choosing which boards to use at front and back.

    Remember you can click on the pix to get a slide show -- they don't so much magnifying these days, but it's a better view!

  3. Very nice cackle berries (as they are known in this house).


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