To wit: three pairs of socks in rapid order over the last couple of weeks, and two scarfy things. One pair of socks will be a present, and both the scarfy things. I show you here a nice fuzzy blue one, closed, one end slipped through a slot
and open
to show you the length, which is 30 inches. Very nice project, and great fun to construct.
The slot idea is different from the vertical slit in the other scarf, also fun to make, actually easier if you're a beginning knitter who fancies trying this.
All the yarn, cashmere, silk, eyelash, fuzzy, etc. was either donated by people who totally gave up on knitting with complicated yarn they couldn't see properly, or thrifted and unraveled. My frugal Yorkshire soul gloats over this.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am in the process of thinking out a bigger wallhanging, and this wrapped circle is the first part of the thinking that I can show anyone.
The rest is still in my mind. I show it on the wall next to a vase to give you an idea of scale,but this is the middle part of something that may get much bigger. The interesting yarn was a freecycle gift (of course, you don't think I shop at shops, do you??) and the circle is the frame of a clock which gave up the ghost. The glass part is now on my rattan table, so my cup of tea doesn't fall over all the time, and the face and movement were put next to the dumpster and vanished in short order, no doubt someone who wants to get it working again. Good luck on that.
And the mojo to teach again is returning, and I have found myself scheduled to do a monotype demo/teaching evening at our local artists' group, my homeground, at the libe, sometime in the fairly distant future, and I'm meeting with a director of recreation for an assisted living place near here, where they might like to see some art, maybe try their hands. No commitment to that yet, but I'm going to meet and greet this week.
Back to playing music again, off this afternoon to do that, and yesterday a poetry reading. There's also a book group in the offing, which I will test out, never having been in a book group before. I've ordered the book to read ahead and see what their taste in books is about. Daytime group, catering to my hopeless sense of direction, doing much better in the daytime when my landmarks are visible!
All in all, I'd say things is improving around here.
Here's to continual improvement!