Monday, December 2, 2019

Storm prep, marmalade making

The first storm of the season is here. So I'm making marmalade. There is a connection here, bear with me. I can't get out, so I may as well get on with the long planned marmalade making. Since I don't have access to Seville oranges, I use the Mamade mix I got from the UK.  It makes very good marmalade.

See containers and lids boiling merrily in the background.

Usual process, though, add sugar, water, boil then simmer. Test. Taste. Restrain yourself from spreading the lot on bread with no delay.

This is half a batch, since I didn't have enough sugar for the lot. This will be shared around various neighbors and friends. Handsome Son might like some, he still has to get back to me.


  1. Handsome Son got back with thanks but no thanks. All the more for the rest of the people!

  2. Have you ever made marmalade from quince? I had "marmalada" in Portugal, and ever since keep a block of it on hand - it's readily available at most grocery stores, inexpensive, and although probably not as perfect as homemade, it's very tasty. I would describe it as not as sweet as most fruit jams or jellies, but with less of a bitter edge than most citrus marmalades I've tasted. And it is so dense it comes in blocks and can be served as slices!

  3. I've never had access to quince. And never encountered this block of stuff you describe. If ever I do, I'll give it a try.

    The bitterness of the Seville oranges in the base I used is the point for me! Can't find them in the US, so I had to get this mix shipped. The result is heavenly.

    1. Thinking about your marmalade led me to look up Karen Morss, the woman in CA who created the Lemon Ladies Orchard, where I've bought organic lemons online. Only to learn that Karen died very suddenly last December. This is the third person in about a week that I've thought of contacting and looked up online, only to find an obituary.
      Strange days.

  4. It's jarring when that happens. I sometimes wonder if it's a psychic connection of some kind, since I have dreamed of people I haven't been in touch with for years, and find they have just died. It feels very strange.


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