Monday, December 2, 2019

Marmalade acting as orange sauce

Marmalade all cooled, nicely set, and in the fridge, here it's in action, as a sauce on a slice of banana/peach bread.

Though we use it on toast, it's actually a great tangy sauce on meats, chicken, ice cream, anywhere you like an orange flavor that's not too sweet.

To be shared with neighbors who will eat it on toast and who will incorporate it into real cooking.


  1. Follow up on marmalade: delivered a container to neighbor, came home with slice of apple pie!

  2. waaaaving... and yes I love marmalade, even though I can no longer eat it (and sometimes I do anyway)

  3. My fear is that people I give it to can't eat it! This requires care. I know the neighbor today is all set with his English muffins and marm for breakfast, and one other person will taste and analyze before taking it away to devour. But there are a couple of maybes, too.

    And it's good to see you here.


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