Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Bad national news needs an urgent offset

Hot biscuits from the oven, ginger and lemon marmalade, English breakfast tea.

Trying to keep despair at bay.

This is fuel.  A lot of work ahead, GOTV, Get Out The Vote, for November.  If you have a vote in the US, please use it. Every single election, even the unopposed ones, to preserve your right.


  1. Watching the news is entirely too depressing and as much as possible I refuse to succumb to it. Every day it just gets worse and all we can do is hope for a favourable turn in the vote in November.

  2. I'm doing my bit by doing resistance work as I can, and seeing what I can do to encourage voting. If most of the electorate had actually voted we'd be in better shape now. Our President was elected by about 29 per cent of the pop. that fifty plus per cent of white women voting for him is in fact fifty per cent of that 29 per cent of people who voted for him. Not exactly a majority. An electoral college quirk aided by Russian interference and vote suppression.

    1. I'm definitely cheering you on in your efforts. Something has to be done to stop that man.


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