Monday, June 25, 2018

Why people like me can't watch TV

I usually have raw materials prepped in the freezer for when the urge strikes to cook.

I don't have tv service, not interested in what's on. Working in public TV tends to remove the need to watch at home.  Anyway I do have favorite DVDs, and today I was watching Mapp and Lucia, the episode where Mapp is making ginger and marrow jam. Using marrows from Diva's garden. She's rented out her own house for the summer to Lucia, rented Diva's house for herself, Diva's staying somewhere else, but visiting to gossip.

Mapp was back biting Lucia as she took out the hot jars for the jam, when something went off in my head, and I suddenly was in the kitchen

 boiling up jars and cooking down the ginger and lemons from the freezer in a simple syrup.

So now they're cooling and I can watch the rest of the episode. 

I just hope Mapp or Diva or Georgie don't start hooking a rug or something or I'll never get to the end of the series.


  1. Inspiration strikes in all sorts of ways!

    1. It's not always at convenient times, either. But I'll take it!


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