Sunday, June 24, 2018

New kind of bread, and other great stuff

Before I go out to a local concert this afternoon, and a visit to the library gallery to cast a ballot for best in show at the artist's group annual exhibit, a bit of baking and other things.

Tried Patricia Wells ham and cheese loaf. I think this is in her salads book, but in the book the list of ingredients is in italics, too likely to cause slipups on measuring. So I just googled on it, and you can too. Here it is, and pretty successful. Since it had eggs, cheese and ham, it's great with a green salad or, for me, as a breakfast food. Warmed a little to soften the cheese.

And a German potato salad, red local potatoes, one of which I planted for future ones, tossed with olive oil, bit of minced fresh tarragon, and vinegar I made from Chardonnay.

And, since raspberries are in at the farm, some in the freezer, maybe for jam, and one lot to eat fresh, little sprinkle of sugar.

Good food, set for several days.

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