Monday, March 13, 2017

Just when the spring seemed to have arrived -- snow prep. Again

Overall, this has not been the worst winter.  But good old Ma Nature saved her worst for last.  Storm around here with high winds, a lot of snow, up to two feet standing, probably much more drifting, and general angst and arghghghgh.  Starting tonight, and ending who knows when.

Aside from all the texts from the utility company, the HO association, etc., all elevating the anxiety, other things are not so bad.  

I did snow prep as follows:

brought in the snow shovel, since it won't be possible to get into the outdoor storage closet without using a snow shovel to get the door open. Note how lovely the sun is out there, big alternative fact.

made a big pot of soup, laid in veggies galore, freezer pretty well filled in case of outage anyway

and not forgetting the kitties, gads, not forgetting their food, vital supplies arrived this afternoon.

and Handsome Son's Mobius scarf under way. He came over the other night, liked my Mobius, but not in that bright red color, ew (!),  went to the stash, picked out a lovely dark brown (!) which I'm patiently knitting into his own Mobius.  He's a walker, so a good scarf is a great idea in this icy windy weather. Won't be done before the storm, but there will be plenty of use for it later.  It's in Shaker stitch, which I really like to knit, to the point of obsession.

And with my complete Rosemary and Thyme dvds at the ready, we're set.  Sort of.


  1. You're so right - enough already!! Stay safe - stay warm - and hope the hydro stays on. Take care.

  2. Only 6 inches here yesterday, so not too bad..

  3. yep, it's March. Sometimes that's our heaviest snow month. Looks like a keeper tomorrow, the weather elves are drooling over the 19-26 inches they keep telling us we'll have.

    Got some wood in from outside, and there's always something to do here.

    Keep warm, keep close.

    Love the scarf you're knitting for HS. Great color.

  4. Three inches had fallen here by 630AM. Could be an interesting day. Another pot of soup to be concocted.
    My cat food supply is in good shape - I've been ordering online from which saves me two painful hours of driving (roundtrip) to the One Store that carries Della and Moxie's "brand." The current Fedex driver seems to ENJOY the stroll up and down my driveway, which makes a nice change!

  5. We have several inches and now it's busy sleeting. So we seem to be dead on the line where snow changes to sleet. And ice. No blizzard after all. Not sure which is more annoying, getting the threatened snow or getting a substitute sleet ice storm instead.


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