Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016, Dollivers and musings

This year, since Handsome Son is working, Thanksgiving chez Boud and Dollivers, is moved to his day off, Saturday.  So, since for the twelve years I had the petcare service with never a holiday celebrated on the actual day, and he good humoredly handled it, year after year, it's my turn to be cool with celebrating on a different day.

So today is all about loafing and walking and watching Partners in Crime

 a very good production, with great twenties scenes, and cars, and clothes, and slang, and it's just totally spiffing, old bean!  highly recommended, too.

Also the entire crew, Dollivers, still in suffrage outfits, bears, Elton, still in stolen sweater, you'll notice the nude bear in the hat, it's his sweater, and the Tinies, and Greensleeves, and the entire Dolliver Kennels, all arrayed in comfort on the spare room bed, wish us all a good Thanksgiving.  They will return on Saturday with suitable songs and shenanigans, just resting up for now.  

New Big Doll has taken over the rocking chair in the bedroom, ejecting one of the bears, now in residence on the bed. She considers them waiting in line for an audience in her presence. Sitting squarely on the dolls' rocker, tiny feet crossed, one hand on the arm of the chair, she reminds me strongly of Queen Victoria. Well, Mr Disraeli, should we send a gunboat then?

And the bed doll considers herself no part of the toy world at all, and declined to make an appearance in this post.

Spending a rare holiday alone is also a great chance to make more of my million stars, and to muse on various and pointless things.
Things such as what's the world divided into.

Two sorts of people, makers and shoppers
Two sorts of people, madly gregarious and happy for a day solo
Two sorts of people, Dollivers and nonDollivers, poor things, guess who inserted this one
Two sorts of people, players of music and nonplayers
Two sorts of people, shouters and listeners
Two sorts of people, cooks and diners
Two sorts of people, gardeners and arrangers of garden furniture
Two sorts of people, home painters and hirers of contractors
Two sorts of people, smart and dumb

And if you print and cut all these out,  and shuffle them around a bit, you'll notice that all of us are any of these at any given time!  Except that the nonDollivers are stuck with it, but the Ds feel that's about right.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it today, and Happy Thursday if it's a regular working day for you, having sensibly got it all done and out of the way weeks ago.


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