Saturday, November 26, 2016

Late but thankful anyway, Thanksgiving dinner 2016

Since Handsome Son was working on the day of Thanksgiving, and reported that it was extremely quiet at work that day, wonder why, we celebrated with our official Tday dinner today, and a good day it was.

He always brings along good cheese and crackers to start, so we toasted each other and everything we're thankful about with a nice glass of prosecco along with the cheese and cracker course.

 All set, ready for action. I do the main course, and the new console table worked a treat with the various small dishes of cranberry sauces, mustard, butter, very handy.  

It was ham this year with shiitake mushrooms baked along, corn, peas, baked potato, and stuffing.  

It went down very well, and couple of glasses of prosecco put us both, not being drinkers, in a very happy mood. There was also a very good ginger ale, courtesy of HS.

We took a brisk walk round the park while the pie baked, then came home to tea and pumpkin pie with cream, Handsome Son always provides dessert, plus a dish of sponge candy, from me, most of which went home with him.

Then some Partners In Crime videos for him, while I think I must have slept, since I missed the plot entirely, the evening came on and the day ended with HS going home with plenty of leftovers for next week, leaving me with some, too.

So much to be thankful for, family and friends, including blogistas and online friends, and brand new roof over heads, and enough food on the table to have extra, and a peaceful home.  Can't ask for much more than that.  

Thank you all who read this blog, for your interest and your kindness and endless patience with the Shenanigans of Boud!


  1. Thank you for your postings. I look forward to seeing your activities all the time.

  2. Wishing you and yours a belated happy thanksgiving. I guess there is always
    something to be thankful for in each day you just have to look for it x x

  3. My new roof is going to wait another year, but I've got plenty to be thankful for anyway :)
    What is "sponge candy"?

  4. Sponge candy is a heavenly thing, sort of honeycombed texture, tasting of molasses, crunchy then melts in mouth. Hs pointed out that it's glorified malted milk balls. Which I guess it is, but more $$ and flavor. I sent away for it, got the dark chocolate covering, noble of me, since hs likes it. I don't but I forced myself to eat some..

  5. Oh I know the stuff you mean! Have you never tried making it? It's like the best 3rd grade science demonstration ever! And now I'm rethinking my "eliminate sugar" idea, which was probably crazy anyway.

  6. I don't make candy, since you tend get a dangerously large amount! So I limit myself to just now and then really enjoying some that other people made. I think it's good to have a small amount of sugar, rather than eliminate it totally. Good for your spirits, anyway! Moderation in all things...


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