Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Now it can be shown!

I designed and crocheted this scarf as a surprise present which has now arrived at its destination, so I can show you a picture without ruining DW's surprise.

Duncan, the Assistant Designer in Chief, likes this one quite a bit. For people who like the technical deets, it's double crochet throughout, in cotton ribbon yarn. This has a natural curl, so I let it curl at will when I inserted the fringes. Despite the spirited attempts of two cats to bite and generally play with the fringes as I was inserting

It came with another item which I did not remember to picture, so if her plan to get one taken wearing both materializes, that will be terrific and maybe you'll get to see them in action. The other thing is a crown, since everyone ought to wear a crown on at least once in her life.

Meanwhile back at the kitchen, now the microwave has gone on sympathy strike with the dishwasher. Won't let the door open. Fights back. I may have to knit a new one.


  1. I think there's a national microwave strike beginning. Mine ceased to function last week.


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