Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Dollivers Attend to the Domestic Arts

We needed to roam further to shop this morning while HS was with HP, in search of the special expensive anti-peeing catfood required by Duncan, the picky male cat. So we roved forth, big Dolliver with her dog, and small Dolliver, who borrowed Dreads' threads for the expedition.

Cool enough to wear sweaters, she informed me, and that nice raglan one with the matching hat is just the ticket. Also I like the Doctor Zhivago look I get with it. So since it was put aside by Dreads in favor of the lace top, Small D. got the set to wear, and she insisted that since the sleeves had to be rolled up and up and up for her, it looked like giant Cossack cuffs, all part of the Russian motif. Oooookay.

So we pulled up at Cutter's Mill, the nice petfood place where you can take your dog to work, but one look at the doggy treadmill

and the Dollivers refused to set foot in it. Along with their lazy old dog, I might add.

Explaining that it was a doggie treadmill, not a dollie treadmill, and it wasn't intended for little dolls to be forced to run and generate power for the house, had little effect on their decision to stay in the car.

After the exertion of all the arguing, while I lugged heavy bags of catfood around, they urgently need to rest

and recuperate at Camillo's Cafe, perched on what I told them clearly was not customer seating,

but who listens to me

..then I realized ah, we are near Ace Hardware, maybe I can get those nonstick loaf pans mentioned in my breadbook, which has become my Kitchen Bible of Food. And we could! good price, too, and the hardware expert, Kelly (or maybe Kelli, sorry, didn't like to ask) got right into the spirit of things when I explained about the prima donnas, I mean Dollivers, and how they are blogcharacters who have adventures.

First they learned to wait in line

while the lady ahead of me was served, then I asked for a picture with K

and she said, yes, yes, and look, if they're buying loaf pans, let's take the pans out of the bag again, and I'll just hide the bag and they can work it! Dollivers loved her, especially since she complimented their looks and their dog.

On the way out of the shopping center one Dolliver posed on the handmade chair

outside of Ten Thousand Villages, a lovely fair trade craft center, where marvelous handmade items from all kinds of far countries give the makers a decent payment for their work. Dolliver being handmade herself, fit right in.

And so on to the garden center, this being the weekend we needed chrysanthemums for the front yard which is looking a bit tired at the end of the summer. Dollivers had a sit down strike wanting PINK ONES,

but I had planned on yellow, which you see in the background, and we got yellow, whose garden is this anyway.

Home to lunch and bragging rights for the Dollivers who got to go on today's expedition, when they rejoined their sisters.


  1. I so much look forward to reading the Dolliver's Travels - they have such fine adventures. Are they going to help you bake bread next?

  2. Is it my imagination or does big dolliver's expression change..... sometimes smug sometimes condescending. Hmmm?


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