Monday, June 10, 2019

New mantel, old wood

Several months ago I asked my contractor friend to look out for a nice piece of seasoned old wood to build me a mantel. I really wanted a mantel, years since I had one.

So he kept it in mind, then last week came dashing across the street to show me a marvelous old mahogany shelf. Probably about 75 years old, taken out of a house on the market, heirs wanted a wallful of shelves gone. He works with a realtor on situations like this.

I knew he'd find something, and he'd know what I like. So a blizzard of texts and pix happened at each stage of deciding.

And here's the result. He got the shelf, apron and five corbels all out of one piece. Beautiful warm mahogany. Works a treat.

Now I have to spruce up the living room to live up to it!


  1. Isnt that perfect. Looks like it grew there, doesn't it.

  2. Yes, exactly as I hoped. I kmew Michael would deliver.


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