Saturday, June 29, 2019

Apricot preserves 2019

The farmer's market tweet this morning mentioned peaches and apricots. So I thought I'd better get over there, since the apricot season is only days long. This year has not been kind to fruit. Rain, cold nights, not enough sunshine to sweeten them.

So I got a container of each while the getting's good. Peaches can sit a couple of days to get riper. I tasted an apricot, hm. Better for jam than for eating raw.

Around here, to think is to do, so apricot preserves happened.

Sugar, lemon juice, apricots cooking, jars boiling in the background.

Unstirdownable mass here. This is where you're glad you used a big pan.

And lovely jewel-like results. There's a bit more, in a yogurt container, less glam.

And now I'm off to read the latest Donna Leon.

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