I read a lot but only occasionally feel moved to recommend books.
Here are a couple worth your time:
Noreen Crone-Findlay you may know from YouTube, very appealing presenter.
Here's her book about bags, entertaining and very well written, illustrated, and generally presented.
It comes in an ebook too, but I can't work from e-books, can't see several places at once, refer back and forward, so paper is my choice. This one you really can work from, and it's just fun to read anyway.
Then a new discovery, though not a new writer. This is a really great mystery, with a cast of actual characters, not just puzzle pieces. Set in the first world war, in London, some excellent women protagonists, really well plotted.
Just one problem:this just came out, and it's the first of the series. So I have to wait till she writes another.
And, since it's Bloomsday, I made my annual Kindle visit to Ulysses. As you see, I'm getting there.
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