Monday, November 19, 2018

Thanksgiving Eve on the Boudian calendar

Once again Handsome Son is working Thanksgiving day, so tomorrow is our celebration.

And, since it's good to be a bit ahead of time, even for a group of two, the table is organized. I found a length of felt when I was looking for something else, usual story, so I added it.

 The game hens are semi cooked, to finish tomorrow, the stuffing likewise, and there will be baked potato, and various simple veggie sides.

HS always brings the cheese and bix for starters, an interesting soda to balance the wine, Pinot grigio this time, and the dessert.  Old family tradition!

I'm certainly thankful we're both well and getting along, and we survived most of the year.
And thankful for blogistas out there, who read even when I'm not hearing from you, and other distant friends.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving. Good to hear you are both doing well. Can hardly believe you will soon be 80. By the same token I can hardly believe I'm 88 (and a half). Still vertical most of the time.

  2. Thank you! I can hardly believe it either! Keep wondering how I got here, and well, no health issues aside from nodding off in the afternoon.

    Im toying with the idea of crazy quilting as a winter project..

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm always thankful to be able to read your words here and smile at your projects. Go for that crazy quilt!! Me? I want to start in on a Dear Jane quilt. If you search on that phrase, you'll see how "crazy" my winter may be ;-)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Joyce! And thank you for the encouragement about the current interesting adventure! It's under way over in Art, the Beautiful Metaphor..and since handsome son and I celebrated on Tuesday, and today is very cold. I'll be warm at home pushing about bits of fabric and eating leftovers. Nice day planned. Hope you and husband have a good day and that you're far away from the smoke.

  5. Thanks, we're far away from the smoke this year. Last year, we were inundated for much of summer/fall, sadly. Today will be a mash-up of cooking, weaving and watching football games ;-)


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