Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Dragon Guarding the Garden

I was outside reading this afternoon and pleased at not being bitten even once by this year's mosquitoes which seem bigger and fiercer than ever before, when I realized why the patio was so human friendly.

I had a dragon in the garden.  A nice praying mantis, just a few feet from where I was sitting.  A fierce predator, very little can stand up against Mrs Mantis,and I am betting she had had a nice lunch of biting insects.  As I watched her, she groomed her face with one foreleg then the other, and then studied me closely.

Maybe she was posing for her picture.  She did a nice side view and a front view.  My neighbor came over to admire her, since he loves insects as much as I do, as small animals.

Always good to have a mantis on your side.


  1. We always had praying mantis at our old home and often had at least one inside over the summer. I'm not really a bug person but I love them and the way they study you when you get close to them.

  2. Hmmm - maybe she was studying you so closely with an eye towards having you for lunch?

  3. I wonder why I thought they were green ?

  4. A lot of them are, but this one blended in perfectly with the spent foliage on my pony palm, which is why I never spotted her before. Not sure if they can change color to match, like chameleons, but perhaps some are always this brownish color.

  5. Ahhh...I remember them from Ontario! We don't have them here in the frozen north, but have had an explosion of dragonflys this summer - lots of mosquitoes due to the flood, water water everywhere....great picture, really enjoyed seeing one again - Jean

  6. We have nothing such here, she does look quite stately like a dragon. I could use one though for the flies!

  7. How very neat to have a praying mantis in the garden. I've never seen a real one. Lovely photos.


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