Saturday, May 11, 2013

Decisions, decisions

There comes a time when the blogmeister of more than one blog, that would be me, has to decide which blog is graced with the next amazingly insightful writing.

Like here, I have a great Freecycle magnifier, the kind that hangs on your chest and you look through it to embroider, great once you get the hang of it and don't try stabbing your needle through the glass. I love it, was about to buy one,when this one sort of fell on me.

And that has facilitated the two embroideries I'm doing right now.

And the first goldwork is now framed, shot from the side to avoid glare on the glass, sorry.
So those would be for the Art the Beautiful blog, where my art goes.

But then there's the great collection of Martha mags, also a Freecycle,

I had a little tour yesterday, picking one thing up then another, different houses.  The mags are perfect for loafing on the patio on the warm days that finally got here, and that's Field and Fen stuff.

And there's the fact that one of the embroideries is a collaborative piece, well, that's Art the Beaut stuff.

So anyway, here are the pix, and I'll bang on in Art the Beaut about the collaborative embroidery.  

There, that'll do it.     

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing some of those decorated eggs next Easter. Nothing like timely windfalls of things we need/want.


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