Wednesday, March 30, 2011

But wait, there's more!

So you, dear blogistas, thought that my life was about caregiving, fitness, reading, cooking, gardening, knitting, weaving, spinning, making and exhibiting all forms of art, watching sports on tv,huh? with a bit of art consulting thrown in...

But what kind of a life would that be? Narrow! Limited! But no, there's more!

There's also crochet!! favorite ds stitch here, using a lot of different soft and fuzzy yarns to make a shoulder shawl, which has a destination already.

Here it's laid out to show the optical illusion of a triangle form on a straight piece.

And here it shows you how it looks before you glamorously toss it around your shoulders to keep out the endlessly chilly wind in what is supposed to be springtime weather around here.

Just so you know I have a well-rounded and examined life....


  1. Well-rounded indeed - you and I have much in common! I would be so very bored if I were confined to just doing one thing. It's lovely to have several varying projects on the go and be able to pick up whatever your mood/muse feels like doing at any given time.

  2. I think there could be no argument about how full and well-rounded your life is my friend ;-)


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