Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Tapestry Frame

Yesterday's walk yielded wonderful skies and the pale gold of beech leaves in winter. They rustle gently even when there's no wind.

And then back home on the way to working on the pink/red/hot tapestry frame, a funny thing happened. I came over all dreamy about blues and greens and the shore and the sky and committed this little weaving, 11 by 4.5 inches:

It's made from my homespun and dyed yarn, cashmere from a harvested sweater, and linen yarn from a top I harvested and unraveled in the course of organizing my clothes closet to Freecycle a lot of items that I either don't wear, wrong style, or can't wear, they're way too big, yes an unusual complaint, but two years of unremitting crisis will do that to you.

Anyway, back at the yarn, I had a wonderful time with this weaving, using one of the cardboard looms I made a couple of years back. While I was working on this, I was also musing about the other, much bigger weaving. So I realized afterwards, I have two weaving forms going.

And I found that I can leave one piece and work on another at the same time, then go back to Thing One. The blue piece is probably going to form part of a bigger hanging. I expect once I work on the red piece,

the ideas for the other will start up! no, I'm not -- oh, look a bird! -- distractible. Noooooo.

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