Friday, February 22, 2019

Grocery shopping or partying?

Made a simple trip to the Asian grocery this morning, Friday best, because stocking is happening but few shoppers. Usually.

Today I coincided with a huge crowd of seniors, three buses showed up to collect them later.  So the place was a cheerful madhouse. And it explained why there were no carts outside.

Pic taken once the crowd thinned enough for me to get into my bag and find my phone.

I couldn't leave because I was totally hemmed in by carts as people tried to wait in line in a space design for a lot fewer. I had to lug a basket because every cart was in use. A kind man indicated in sign language that I was to put my basket, now heavy, into his cart and we queued together.

A young man from the prepared food counter ran a cup of soup out to a lady in line, loud joy ensued, discussion of, I guess, soup broke out.

Several people chatted with me evidently assuming I spoke Mandarin, maybe because I was shopping in their crowd. Nodding and smiling worked, and I could guess the gist.

So what started as a swift errand turned into an interesting morning. Took fifteen minutes to shop, an hour to leave!

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