Sunday, May 20, 2018

Spring or something, planting, making discoveries

With a sudden onset of hot, humid weather, it was time to look around at the sudden growth outside. 

This included a sighting of these blossoms on what I had thought was a cherry tree, from the State forestry people. But these aren't the cherry blossoms I expected. Urgent tweet to Quinn Piper, my guru in things tree related. She suggested prunus serotina, one I'd never heard of, but checked and it is. Still a cherry, black cherry, so that part's good. However instead of the twenty or so foot mature height I was replacing, my old wild cherry, this will grow to upwards of eighty, that is not a typo, feet. I am unlikely to be there for it. But the blossoms are lovely. This is the first year of flowering, very exciting.

Onward to notice a few blossoms on the chives, which come back year after year, unprotected all winter. Usually they don't get to flower because I snip them younger.

And the potatoes are just booming. And the roses

In the course of searching for a flashlight to shine into the hole cut in the wall for the plumbing, to see if it was dry now, never found the flashlight,  but did find saved seeds, Italian basil, Thai basil and honesty. I planted the basils in containers out front so neighbors can pick when they cook. The honesty is now in the strawberry pot in the hope that marauding chipmunks won't reach up and bite them off this time.

Lunch for sudden onset heat, caraway walnut biscuit split with tuna salad, chives and tarragon added. 

Succeeded by sudden onset Duncan, who had already had his share and wanted to make inroads on mine, while my hands were occupied.


  1. My son has a cherry tree like that on his place; the cherries are delicious, if you can get them before the birds.

    Much blooming going on for sure, but I'm not liking this heat too much. Way too humid for me!

  2. My goodness - I didn't realize some cherry trees could possibly get that high! And interesting to see the blossom structure on this one. I would have been confused too. Roses in bloom already....they're a long way off here yet. And seeing those chives makes me want potato salad! Seems like Duncan is an equal opportunity cat.


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