Saturday, May 5, 2018

New learning at the knittting group, and WW Farmers' Market 2018

Yesterday was a meeting of the knitting group, always fun, and three new members showed up. One was in the throes of a broomstick lace project and she kindly showed us how it's done.  I'd heard of it, but this was a first in action


And I had brought Ellen Wilkinson in for a field trip

Today was the opening of the WW Farmers' Market for the year.  So I was there earlier than I usually manage, couldn't wait. It's always a lot of fun.

 Bottom line, this is today's haul, first asparagus, wonderful chicken sausage, local mixed greens, handmade mozzarella from the sausage place, mixture of crimini and shiitake mushrooms. Several excellent meals here.

This handsome feller, complete with spring clip, had noted that here and there interesting bits of food get dropped, so he kept his nose alert just in case Dogs love the farmers' market.

Two young audience members, in plenty of time for the live music tuning up

This baby cracked me up, intently studying his father taking pictures of the labels on garden plants, important stuff

And here's the brother of the two young audience members, jamming briefly with a member of the performing group

Always look for the mushroom display, this being not far from Kennett Square, home of the mushroom around here

 The knife grinder discussing the technicalities, and reminding me that I hate grinding my own knives so it would be good to remember to bring them and have him do them

The musicians getting under way

Once home, it's all about prep, washing, drying, slicing, wiping, generally setting up in the freezer ready for a week's good food.

So that's us.

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