Friday, May 11, 2018

Exciting Day, started out innocently...

Today was supposed to be a quiet day, music partner not able to play, so free time to regroup.  Then, taking a morning cup of tea, I glanced up.  And saw an ugly wet stain on the ceiling.  New. Since yesterday. Right below the bathroom and laundry area.  This put paid to my plan to shower and do laundry.

Two neighbors later, measuring and confirming that the problem was most likely shower or washing machine.  And that, since everything visible was bone dry, it must be inside the wall.  Or floor.  One of the neighbors is my friend and contractor Mike, who said they may need to cut into the wall to detect the source, but don't worry, I can create a new access hatch for you, using the hole they cut.  Good for future use, too.

Then a fruitless morning trying to raise the plumber, all the time the stain spreading...they were having phone problems. When I finally got through, they were here in twenty minutes.  Probably grateful I hadn't given up and got another plumber.

And, after insisting, repeatedly that I did not mind cutting into the wall if that's what it took to find the problem, plumber reluctantly did so.  Either he thought I would freak out if he cut up my walls, or he didn't fancy all that work. 

Anyway, cut he did, detect he did.  And after many tries, finally found that the problem was indeed behind the wall, a pinhole in the copper pipe.  Invisible to the eye, but since under pressure, emitting a tiny little spray, probably for ages now before it became evident.  Unfortunately he had to cut into another wall to get at the pipe to cut, replace and solder it.  Which involved moving a large washing machine.  Which involved my bothering my saintly neighbor again, to ask for help, since it's a two person job.

So that bit is done.  The washer is in the hallway, glad I can slip past it.  And two neighbors will replace and rehook the washer this evening, after my contractor friend has repaired the wall.  Then I can do the laundry.  But at least I got a shower this morning, the shower's innnocence having been established despite the plumber's insistence that the problem was I was splashing water over the shower, yeah, right, he didn't get far with that, try as he did.

While I was at it, I booked the plumbing people to replace a toilet that's ready for it, and to investigate why my second shower causes a damp patch downstairs.  Which is why I couldn't shower yesterday until the first one was cleared.  Sigh.  It's all go. But I
may as well get a few big jobs done while I've got my wallet open.

In fact one reason the contractor neighbor was here was to give me a price on replacing my deck, which he's repaired recently.  May as well do the whole thing and enjoy it.  So that's going to happen. But I know  he will just tend to business, no protesting that it doesn't need done. He's already done the measurements and will price lumber this weekend. 

This place will be fully functional if I live to see it!   My logic is that now that my body is no longer considered a disaster area, I can turn my attention to the fabric of the house. Too bad there's no insurance for house repairs caused by wear and tear. Or on the householder, also under wear and tear.


  1. The only thing worse than a ceiling leak is someone telling you it's somehow your fault. I'm glad you got it all sorted out, at any rate.

    And once it's done it won't need doing again...

  2. I'm so glad your plumbing issue has been resolved and you're getting other things done as you wish. But, oh Liz, that "while I have my wallet open" really rang a bell with me - or hit a nerve, who can tell the difference? I wrote so many and such large checks over the recent reno/repairs that lately buying anything but groceries pretty much brings on a fit of the vapors.
    And tomorrow morning the electrician is coming (scheduled to arrive right in the middle of morning chores, unfortunately, which will skew the entire day) to assess a sudden and unexpected and un-ignorable problem with the power to the outbuildings. Fingers crossed he won't suggest rewiring the entire circuit.

  3. Glad this issue was resolved! It is always a real bother when household issues crop up!

  4. What a mess. There's never any good news when it comes to plumbing, is there? Last summer we had a pipe burst under the house--just old age. I was so thankful we were home when it happened!

    I am amazed that you got a plumber to come so quickly! I don't envy you the price tag for all this though.


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