Thursday, January 25, 2018

Marigold left us today, very quietly, comfort food later

Marigold left us this morning early, peaceful.  The vet's office was very considerate, vet herself in special purple scrubs, not usual color for her, and the table was set up with a pink blanket.  All very respectful and kind to both of us.  

And I found that while I was with her, they burned a candle outside in the reception area, with a notice explaining a euthanasia was happening, and for everyone to keep their voices down. It was a very good touch.  Vet left me for as long as I wanted with her after she died, after covering her body and leaving her head for me to pet.  Couldn't talk, but I did thank Marigold for all those years of sterling loyalty.

I do think rescued animals know what we did for them, and never fail to thank us.  So I was glad to be able to give her a peaceful easy death when she was ready. 

Hard day.  Next door neighbor gave me a hug when we met as I got home, and put away the carrier for me on the high shelf in the storage area I can't reach.

Next order of business, comfort food.  

Apple crumble, with oatmeal topping.  Seen here with the cook's privileged first slice already dealt with. I don't use a recipe for this any more, other than to check the oven temp. Plenty of spices, cinnamon, nutmeg, sumac in the fruit, fruit macerated then the fruit into the baking dish, liquid reduced in small pan, and poured back over.  Topping of molasses mixed with white sugar, melted butter stirred with oatmeal and oatmeal ground to flour.

This is a kind of all purpose food.  Good as dessert, good, since it's oatmeal and fruit, as breakfast, too. Keeps up a person's strength.


  1. Nothing I can say, Liz. Been there too many times, and it's never easy. Take care.

  2. Awww Liz - I wish I could give you a hug right now. It's so hard to lose a family member that wraps up so much love into such a small furry body. My sympathy to you.

  3. Deepest sympathy on your loss. They always take a small piece of us with them. I believe we'll be together again when our time comes. Until then, I hope it helps in some small way to remember that Love Never Dies. Marigold will watch over you. xoxo Donna


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