Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Last Day for Marigold, 2002-2018

Marigold, our beautiful sealpoint Burmese friend, is sleeping on the sofa right now, on her last day.  Tomorrow early I have to say goodbye to her.

She declined dramatically in the last little while, and is now in advanced kidney failure and needing dental surgery which can not be done in her frail health.  So rather than drag her along miserably with pain meds, antibiotic shots and various other ideas the vet suggested gently, I think it's kinder to let her go.

She came to me as a dumped stray, and all attempts to find her owner failed, so, since she was going into her first heat, I had her spayed, by the vet who said, if you spay her, keep her! don't give her up.  You did your best to find whoever "lost" her.  Same vet I'm taking her in to tomorrow, to bookend her life.

I brought her initially to Handsome Partner Andy's home, when we were a couple with two homes, and his Dalmatian, KC, took to her as if she were a puppy, grooming her with a massive tongue, leaving her soaking wet with love!  KC was in her last years then.

then when we had to join our households because of Andy's declining health, my cat Duncan joined the the group, and to our amazement, they formed a Gang of Two, playing and wrestling and  keeping each other occupied all day long.

She was Andy's therapist when he came home from the rehab, seen here, first day home, worn out and sleeping in his chair under the afghan I made for his return

and kept guard over him for years, up till the moment he was dying, then she came and sat with me, and has never left me in the six years since.

So she has a lot of history in this group, and has more than repaid anything I ever did for her.  Just the pleasure of seeing such a beauty around the house was a lift.  Aside from seeing her regularly stand off Duncan, more than twice her size.The RBG of kittens.

Hard to say goodbye, but better than trying to extend her life beyond what her body seems to be able to tolerate.  She's been signalling to me that she's ready.  The only thing is that I'm not.

 Remains to be seen how Duncan adapts to the loss of his partner in crime.  He's also aging rapidly, now 14 and with health issues. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. It is so sad to say goodbye. It is good she had you to love her and to care for her.
    My sympathies to you.


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