Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Dollivers wish us all a Merry Christmas!

The Ds, rockin' their new draped silk dresses, screams of rage from the four who didn't get a fascinator, when they saw Blondie Firstborn in hers, pacified by having each her own design.  

Those who wanted diagonals got them, NameMe wanted a posh cloak and dress, done.  Blondie Firstborn was the only one who thought of a hat, or titfer as she put it, having studied her cockney rhyming slang, so she got one.  It's possible that by New Year they will have ground me down into making four more.

Anyway, they helped with the creche, minimal decorating this year, and stopped arguing long enough to wish you all a good holiday, a Merry Christmas if that's your celebration and a good New Year to come for all of us. 

And I did a bit of displacement knitting, to help with my general struggle with the season, and have a new slot scarf to show for it. 

This is really fun to make, what with the slot and all. It's sage green, which turned into teal in the camera.

Marigold was snoring gently on the other side of the sofa throughout, she having her own way of coping with everything, which is to sleep through it.


  1. Very festive all around :)
    I've seen a pattern for that type scarf called Miss Marple - which always tickles me, even though I've only seen Miss Marple knitting baby things!

  2. Oh my goodness - don't the D's realize that Santa is watching? Having a hissy fit on Christmas Eve...tsk tsk. Anyway....happy Christmas wishes to you, the D's, and HS...oh and the four legged family members too.


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