After a long fall and mild temps, flowering cherry trees out in bloom last week, we got our first snowfall of the season. Great air of urgency over our couple of inches! probably very amusing to readers in places where snow has been a feature for months already, complete with whiteouts.
I do admit to running out for milk this morning as the snow started, because with terrible timing, I was completely out. Milk is a vital life force in this house.
Aside from that, my prep consisted of rummaging through my storage closet outside to find my snow shovel. That's about it.
Then indoor plant care was needed, complete with lugging plants about, sweeping up all the fallen leaves from the ficus tree, which is nearly eight feet tall, and at this time of year, when the indoor air is dry and warm, starts losing leaves. She'll recover next spring as soon as she can go outside again. It's the time of year when I have to cut back on how much I do for indoor plants,since they're slowing down now, and trying to get a bit of a rest.
We had our first snow last night, just at nightfall really. It is so nice to see it. Only a tiny bit, but enough to keep me happy.