Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Crown, Sugar Cookies Redux, and Libe Case in Point

Today being wildly cold, and since I was coughing, probably cold and dry atmosphere,  I stayed home and warm, with the cats, and watched more of Season One of The Crown, now on dvd at the libe.  PIcked it up yesterday, good timing.

Since I remember a lot of the era it covers, and the footage from then, it was interesting to see it from now, if you follow me.

Claire Foy plays the Queen, and does a terrific job of doing the weird accent she used to speak in, which always sounded like a parody voice.  She's moderated it a lot in recent years, and now sounds just like a horsey countrywoman, which I think she'd like to be anyway.   But back then, when poor old Margaret wanted to marry, shock, horror, a divorced man, pearl clutch, Elizabeth says, yooo went to meddy Petah?  Yes, yes, Margaret says, I doo went to meddy heem!

There are some scenes of the King's surgery which I had to not watch, tmi for me, lung cancer.  But other than that, no big scares.

I remember watching the coronation, I think I was about 12, up the street at one of the few houses with a tv in those days, kids all over the floor invited over to watch the endless doings, and falling asleep halfway through.  

The best part is definitely the Zadok the Priest passage, wonderful music.  Funny that I, a staunch anti-monarchist, should like the soap opera aspect of their lives.  But in my family much more significant was that Edmund Hillary and Tenzing climbed Everest, a big first.  And, an even bigger first, Gordon Richards, famous jockey, won the Derby!  all in the same few days.  Great mood of jubilation about the latter two, but, not being Londoners, but Northerners, fairly modified interest in the coronation.  

We did like Queen Salote of Tonga, refusing to use an umbrella in the usual English downpour, insisting on riding all the way in the procession in an open car, through the streets waving to the crowds, soaking wet, and very gracious about the whole weather thing.

Anyway, when I was picking up, at the library, I saw the usual kid's collection exhibit. Kids get to put their legos and teeny erasers and stuff like that in the glass cases, for a time, usually very young kids, doing their own labels proudly and getting all sorts of praise.  

So the legal notice made me fall down laughing, but I see it's one size fits all.  I didn't notice it on the case in a different part of the libe where I exhibited my artist books, come to think of it.  Maybe it's only little kids who are likely to have subversive finger puppets and dangerous keyrings.

And this afternoon, a pot of tea and a couple of sugar cookies seemed like a Good Thing. 

It's the rest of the Martha recipe, which I froze, and I am here to tell you that it works just fine.  Last minute sprinkle of sugar and lemon zest. Cookies came out lovely, and I have some frozen now again, but cooked, ready to take out next time I have a guest to tea.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I just looked at my library system, only to find that there are 154 holds in queue for "The Crown"! So I guess it'll wait for the next time it rises in my mind - I guess I could be #155 ;-) I'm not pro-monarchy, by any means, but I do enjoy programs about them, as well as visiting places they lived. We were in Munich recently, and visited the Residence - home to the Wittelsbach dynasty. So much gold, silver, jewels too many to name... I kept thinking of my ancestors in Germany... none of that in their lives, but they sure were wanted for the armies. So they eventually emigrated ;-) Same feelings when visiting the grand old cathedrals vis a vis religion. All about power, in my mind.


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