Here's Handsome Son, pouring out the prosecco for us to toast ourselves before diving into a great feast. This was after the cheeses and crackers, and before the chocolates and eggnog...
Then today, I'm able to see outside again, and find that there's another pansy. End of December, these guys are intrepid. We've had frost, snow, ice and rain, and still they persist.
As does this little downy woodpecker, who sat on the feeder for ages defying the marauding squirrel, which has finally figured out how to get to it.
He was on there so long I went out to check if he was stuck, but he flew off when I opened the door, so he's fine, just very annoyed with the squirrel.
It all looks lovely! I was so lucky--my son and his girlfriend cooked Christmas dinner this year. What luxury, not to be in the kitchen all day. I could make a habit of this :)