Friday, December 15, 2017

Birthday joy, and chicken soup

Lovely day today, total lazy lounging about, receiving greetings, tweets, and this bouquet from sister dogonart

Just lovely, many colors,  has to be seen from all sides.  Posed in the kitchen, because the winter light's best there, hence the colander which got in there.  Perfect for a winter's day, as well as a birthday, thank you!

And since it's cold enough for snow, in fact it's snowing, it was a good day for chicken soup.  

Chicken thighs, carrots, yam, onions, scallions, garlic, extra chicken bones, big sprig of thyme, half a dozen curry leaves, salt, pepper, bit of Worcestershire added at the end.  Blended just a bit but leaving plenty of whole vegetable pieces.  Duncan bullied me into a bit of shredded chicken in his bowl, on the grounds that he wanted some. So now I have supplies of soup, always a good thing.

And I made a cool discovery, after the cable cord on my tablet sort of wore out.  In the course of looking online to see what I should buy to replace it, I discovered in the q and a that I could try any micro charger.  So I tried my Kindle charger, and it works a treat. Also has a much longer cord.  I was so used the notion that each device had its own charger and none matched any other, that I hadn't noticed this distinct improvement. My phone charger works, too. No shopping required after all.

Yesterday's joys included a visit from a couple in search of a birthday present for the wife, and we had a visit, tea, cake, chat, and found that her birthday is in fact today!  Happy Birthday Irene!  Not sister Irene, another one, but she pronounces it the same way.

So I guess we were all happy, they because they liked the monotype they chose, I because I was happy to send it to a good new home, and we were amused to find we were birthmates.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't the flowers soul-satisfyingly colorful! Belated happy birthday to you, Liz - here's to another creative year ahead :)


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